Friday, December 27, 2013

In Gratitude for the Deepening of Freedom...

Friday, December 27, 2013

I have always believed marriage was something between hearts…a sacred agreement between souls.  I have always said I didn’t need voter permission or a piece of paper to legitimize love.  And though I still believe this to be true…I didn’t realize how important the right to marry…the freedom to marry…was to me…perhaps because I’ve never really had it. 

My partner and I have been spiritually married for almost 6 years…and yet were never able to bring that marriage into the material world – until now.  Yesterday, we grounded our relationship into the physical world in a civil ceremony at the county clerk’s office.  (There was another couple right before us who had been together for 38 years!)  I can’t put to words the emotions that bubbled up from somewhere deep inside me as we completed the application for a license…emotions accompanied by the kind of tears that only come from the core of who we are.  The only word that comes to mind is gratitude.  I felt no anger or resentment – or any feelings of a victim or “wounded” mentality – only gratitude.  

I am thankful for those who march…file suit…share their lives authentically…stand in the truth of who they are…call on the courage to share with their families…their friends…their churches…and within their cultures…I am thankful for the United States of America and its systems through which we are always pushing the envelope in the evolution and quest to uphold and expand our consciousness and freedom.  I am thankful for that which I did not have…because with its granting, comes a deeper appreciation for freedom…as well as an expanding acceptance and understanding of the right for each and every one of us to be who we are – regardless whether anyone agrees with us or not.

I strongly support the right of those whose opinions are in direct opposition to mine.  I support the right to disagree…as well as the freedom to voice our beliefs and worship how we feel called.  I support freedom.

It occurs to me that when we begin to support freedom…to really support freedom…we won’t have so many battles…or wars…so much hatred…and anger.  We won’t fear others who differ from us…and they won’t fear us.  We will recognize the beauty of each individual for who they are…and the expression of the one Consciousness they are bringing to life.

This morning, I give thanks…for where we’ve been…where we are…and where we’re going… Hearts are beginning to open…and love, truth and freedom are beginning to shine.

Much love,


Thursday, November 14, 2013

In the Hands of a Master Tailor

Thursday, November 14, 2013

For quite a while I have felt discomfort in the dreamtime.  Much of it stems from my teeter-totter confusion around an occupation.  Part of me attempts to fit myself into jobs I find on the internet, applying the skills I have accumulated in my lives as a teacher, union representative and consultant.  And part of me continues to hold out for something much different…something that calls to me from that which I still cannot see but makes my heart sing in its alignment with who I am today.  I haven’t been able to put words to this discomfort with such internal clarity until this morning.
When I can consciously recognize the battle within me, I’m usually able to find some resolution.  As Albert Einstein stated, “You can’t solve a problem at the same level which it was created.”  My “problems” seem to take root within my subconscious…and now that this one has been brought into the light of my consciousness…I know there’s an opportunity for relief!
Here we go….
There is an underlying sense for me to just “be” and not attempt to force myself into a “hole” or “identity”.  A few profoundly transformative questions just popped into my mind, “Can I just be me and allow the identity to take shape around me?   Can I allow a natural fitting as if at the hands of a master tailor?  Can I just breathe as me…releasing any constrictions…allowing my own expansion…and just comfortably “be” in this world?  (lately I’ve been feeling “crunched”…like I’m trying to make myself fit in something that’s much too small…the bed feels too small…my car feels too small…rooms feel too small…my world feels too small…)  Can I allow my natural size to “be”?  Can I allow myself to stretch, unfold, breathe deeply and allow the Universal Tailor to do its magic?  Can I allow this tailor to provide the perfect “fitting” according to my own authentic nature?”  Wow…..
In this moment, allowing this tailor to do its divine magic brings peace of mind, joy to my heart and excitement for that which is to be.  Can I just be me and allow the identity to take shape around me?   Yes, I can.  Wow….
Much love,

Saturday, November 9, 2013

An Arm-Saving Insight

Saturday, November 9, 2013

This morning as I was walking one of my babies, Devi, I was gifted an insight regarding trust.  Devi and I were walking through the neighborhood greenbelt (an area which many homes look over from the fenced back yards) and as we approached part of the walkway adjacent to the yard of one of her favorite doggie adversaries I found myself securing her retractable leash at about 2 feet.  As I did this, I heard myself say, “I don’t trust you”, meaning I didn’t trust the fact that she wouldn’t suddenly fly up the small hill toward her adversary and rip off my arm in the process!  However, when I heard myself say this, I felt something else…something I didn’t like.  It had to do with the fact that I didn’t trust her.  It didn’t feel right.  Within a matter of seconds, I heard myself counter with “But I do trust you to be you…which means it’s quite possible you may very well bound up the hill with my arm in tow!”  This little switch to, “But I do trust you to be you” made all the difference in the world.  I smiled and felt lighter because I could feel a more far reaching application than just the relationship between Devi and I. 

I also realized in that moment that this is how it is with the people around me as well.  I can absolutely trust them to be who they are.  I cannot trust them to be who I want them to be.  And why should they be who I want them to be?!  How selfish is that?  It is freeing to know that I can trust people…animals…Nature… insects…plants…etc…..I can trust them to be who they are.  How powerful is that?

Much love,


Thursday, November 7, 2013

An Overdose of Nun (None)!

Thursday, November 7, 2013
I haven’t felt called to blog for a while but this morning I had an insight about myself that I felt might be beneficial to share. 

A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to take a course from Carolyn Myss regarding archetypes.  According to Carolyn we each come into this life with certain archetypal energies (examples:  mother, father, queen, king, knight, pioneer, artist, monk, librarian, detective, etc.) which we use to transcend patterns and beliefs which are outdated and ready for transformation.  Carolyn has “created” a system through which one can identify these archetypes as well as work with them in order to release the weight of that which our consciousness has outgrown and move more fully into our own powerful authentic nature.  The knowledge of archetypes has proven to be incredibly useful for me in my own journey toward authenticity.

For the past several years, I would classify my path as one of intense purification.  I have removed myself from the world in many ways and experienced the loss or release of much of the material.  I have spent much time contemplating my beliefs around a lot of things including money.  In removing myself from a world that is focused on money, I have had the amazing experience of what it feels like to be without.  The panic, anxiousness, concern, guilt, worry and fear have been intense at times yet I would not change a thing.  The experience and acknowledgement of these feelings which I have feared for so long has been freeing, expansive and transcendental in many ways.  This being said, the new me is ready for new experiences.

I have wondered for quite some time why I haven’t attracted anything materially.  I felt like I was open and ready but almost anything I “put out there” has been responded to with silence.  This can be quite disturbing.  This morning, I realized that a core archetype of mine has been a major definer of the lens through which I am viewing and creating my world.  In fact, when I identified “her” it was like an enormous cork popped and huge amounts of light were freed and shining.  The archetype was none other than the monk/nun. 

I was finally able to “see” her influence.  She is dedicated to God and all decisions and experiences in many ways have been filtered through her lens.  In her loyalty to the Divine, she denies the material.  She sees the physical as “bad” and something to overcome.  She lives in “poverty” as she believes this is in alignment with her allegiance to God.  What she has to offer is free as she lives to serve the Divine and this should be done freely.  And for her, giving is everything while receiving is not acceptable.

This was a huge recognition for me.  The lens of the “nun” is really outdated when compared with where my consciousness is in this moment.  There is a huge religious conflict that has been begging for acknowledgement in order for me to update and move forward.   I have a great respect and honoring for this archetype of mine.  I feel her…I feel her dedication…and I understand.  And at the same time, my consciousness around God has greatly expanded.  For me, God/Consciousness is joy, excitement, experience, acceptance and all-inclusive.  There is no separation between spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, etc.  I am my dreams and my physical creations.  Life is sacred....and Life is an opportunity for Consciousness to experience form.  The physical is an important part of the experience.  Sacrifice and denial of the material are no longer requisite for my soul’s experience.  Allowing myself to receive is part of the joy and experience of life.  My service to God – as an expression of God – is to experience life to its fullest; to express myself into this world; to consciously create my experience; to share the beauty of Consciousness through my unique form; to receive and experience abundance of all kinds; and enjoy the material as it too is of God.  I can be dedicated without suffering, struggle and lack.  I can enjoy my opportunity in the form of “Karrie” - the form I have chosen for this life’s opportunity and experience. 

Whew!  This is a huge recognition for me and one that I will be contemplating further.  I can already sense the impact this realization is having on the path I am now creating.

OK!  I’m off to begin my visioning of something new….  Yahoo!

Much love,

Monday, October 7, 2013

Experimenting in the Chaos!

Monday, October 7, 2013

This morning, I’m contemplating a couple of things…the chaotic opportunity in Washington, DC and the power of visioning, prayer or holding a vibration of that which is in the process of becoming.  First, the opportunity in our nation’s capital…

In my pondering (and under the influence of my favorite coffee from Circle K!), I realized that the chaos in Washington (as well as around the world) is in response to the new energies of love, unity, empowerment and self-responsibility that are now available and infiltrating our realities.  The chaos and tumult arises from that which is outdated and cannot match the new energies coming in.  Therefore, chaos is a wonderful sign of the transformation that is indeed in process.  Woohoo!!!

This brings to mind a possible suggestion for holding, “being” or aligning with the vibration of these incredible energies now available as a “support” for the inevitable transformation in our government and elsewhere.  If it seems appropriate and feels good, how about using the Preamble to the Constitution and/or the statement regarding unalienable Rights from the Declaration of Independence as a “prayer” this week?  (or whenever)  We don’t have to go any further as to “how”, “when” or “what” transformation will take place – that will be taken care of Divinely.  If we can hold this energy ourselves…we’ve done our job.  How about it?

Preamble to the Constitution  

We the People  of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


From the Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [beings] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


Love you lots!


Monday, September 9, 2013

I've made a decision....

Monday, September 9, 2013

I’ve made a decision.  I’ve decided my vote is to not support a military strike in Syria.  For the last week or so, I’ve been at a crossroads – philosophically and consciously.  Thanks to all the conversations at home, on the internet and over the airwaves, I feel much clearer.  A big thank you to my friend, Ted Bynum, who expressed the importance for each of us to make a decision within ourselves.  This made an impression on me.  After all, if I expect the President and Congress to make such a decision, then I need to have the courage to make one as well.  This being said, I don’t feel it’s important to argue a position.  It just felt important to come to a conclusion.  If the powers that be make a different choice, so be it.  I will continue to hold space for Syria and its process…as well as the United States and the World as we experience our process. 
What is miraculous at this time is all the conversations that are happening.  The world is weighing in….debates, votes, decisions and contemplation by the masses.  This is the process of conscious decision-making as well as enlightened democracy.  Representatives are crossing party lines - which in itself is somewhat of a miracle.  People are speaking from their beliefs, hearts and consciousness rather than strict party rhetoric.  The metaphysical forces of holding space, keeping prayer vigil and allowing each his/her process is having an effect – a powerful one.  “Good things” are happening – we just have to see the forest with the trees. 
Another question that is being answered for me is, “can I hold a vibration of unity while making an individual decision?  Can I come from oneness while playing the part of a unique individual?”  I believe the answer is “yes”.  If I come from an understanding of freedom and the right of each to have their belief, detaching from the outcome (which I can’t control) without disengaging from the process, then I can hold the sacred position that exists between the opposites.  I can come from unity while solving any unanswered dilemmas within myself, allowing the best possible outcome in the moment to emerge.
So…. from a higher vantage point I feel good about what’s going on in the world.  This doesn’t mean everything is “hunky-dory” in the trenches but it does mean transformation is happening.  It’s important for each of us to remain engaged consciously and energetically…we each have an impact…and as a very good friend of mine reminds me constantly…1 + 1 + 1 = 1000. 

Much love,



Saturday, September 7, 2013

Syria as a Mirror

Saturday, September 7, 2013

As I contemplate the situation in Syria, I recognize that at the root of the challenge is freedom and co-existence.  Religious preference seems to be a very real “enemy” of life in the Middle East.  If one doesn’t attend to the same religion as those who have the power, one’s life is in jeopardy.  Without a true commitment to freedom – in which co-existence is inherent – there cannot be peace.  Freedom offers the opportunity for “everything” to express itself…even extremists and separatist groups.  The challenge arises when freedom is impinged upon by those attempting to make their belief system the “norm”.  This seems to be one of the more challenging issues in the Middle East – their religions don’t seem to allow for co-existence.

I also believe this is an issue that plays out here in the United States…home of the free…a country founded in religious freedom or freedom of conscience as Thomas Jefferson might say.  There are many who claim the United States as “Christian”, arrogantly demanding that all others “who don’t like it” can leave.  Quite frankly, I’m not sure how these “demands” are any different than any other separatist group with the “my way or the highway” mentality.  They air an ignorance not only regarding our nation’s foundation but in many ways God-Source-Consciousness itself. 

Personally, I am not “anti-“ any religion.  I am pro-freedom and believe that freedom is perhaps the highest of spiritual values.  However, freedom requires maturity, responsibility, wisdom and integrity.  It demands an inner knowledge of the right to exist as well as a certain courage and confidence to co-exist.

In many ways, we are no different than the people of Syria.  We have extremists who act in “the name of their God” killing doctors in abortion clinics, homosexuals or those of a different faith or ethnicity.  I grow particularly weary of the “let’s blame the Muslims” crowd or those who continue to cry out about Christian persecution while they themselves violently persecute others. 

If we are to grow into freedom – the freedom that is this nation’s founding as well as its destiny – then we have to stop, see from a more expanded perspective and deeply contemplate what freedom means….what it demands from us…and the part we play in making this vision even more of a reality.  Those who can, must make a conscious effort to hold a vision for freedom and role model freedom as well as share an understanding when appropriate with those who don’t remember.  People have the right to their beliefs….and this means everyone has the right to their beliefs.  And for freedom to become the norm…this means we have to learn to co-exist while simultaneously and consistently supporting the overarching umbrella of freedom.

In Love & Unity,


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Another Choice...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Another Choice…

This morning, I have been pondering Syria and the possible actions of the United States.  As I’ve said before, I find myself at a crossroads philosophically as well as in the evolution of my own consciousness.  For me, I don’t see how we cannot respond in some way.  What happens to one, happens to every – one.  We are all connected whether we’re aware or not.  And, if we agree that we really can’t ignore what’s happening in Syria (as well as other places, including our own “home”), then the next step becomes a question of how do we respond?

I’ve contemplated the consequences of continuing to meet violence with violence, coming to the conclusion that this only begets more of the same.  If we are to move beyond war then there comes a time when we have to begin the patterning of responding differently. 

For my own contemplation, I decided to break the situation down to a level to which I might be able to relate more realistically.  So, let’s liken this to a marriage where one partner is incredibly abusive and the other has succumbed to the “battered spouse syndrome”.  The battered spouse has become so disempowered that they don’t have the self-confidence/worth/power to stand up for themselves and/or remove themselves from the situation.  Anyone that has been on the outside of this type of situation knows that attempting to step in and handle it for the battered spouse, most of the time doesn’t work.  I once helped one such spouse move away from the abusive spouse on 4 separate occasions to find out a couple of weeks later (or less) that the abusive spouse had moved back in.  It wasn’t until the abused spouse made the commitment and found the appropriate support that she was able to make a different choice.  In this case, I probably would have been better off to energetically hold a “prayer vigil” of love and peace until the awareness of the two people expanded to include the idea that there was another possibility other than the one they were painfully playing out (which is what happened anyway).

So…back to Syria (and other such dilemmas at home and abroad).  Stepping in to militarily “whack” the abuser is only a short term reaction.  Somewhere along the line, if peace is to really occur, the sides involved are going to have to come to an acknowledgment of their freedom to co-exist.  Until that happens, the battle will continue with all its ugliness and atrocities.  However, what if the rest of the world surrounded Syria energetically (but physically would be awesome!) and held a vibration of Unity and the highest of light and love until they could rise to another level of consciousness?  Some might say this is a ridiculous notion…some would label it naïve….and others might recognize the ages old power of energetic collaboration with the Divine in the assistance of transformation. 

It’s apparent to me that the world is in a transition stage which eventually will lead to us making different choices.  The good news is…conversations are happening…decisions are no longer being made by one person…nations are thinking for themselves and not according to blind allegiance…military action as a first response is being called into question…and we’re beginning to think…differently.  We each have a decision to make when it comes to global events.  Whether or not we know it, what we think, feel and envision make a difference. 

As for me….I believe I have to respond….and I’m going to do so by staying energetically engaged…holding a space for Unity….Love…and peace as well as the consciousness of individual empowerment and responsibility in transforming our globally-felt experiences.  I hope you will join me.

In Unity and Love,


Monday, September 2, 2013

An Opportunity for the Miraculous

Monday, September 2, 2013

I’ve been pondering – as I’m sure many of you have – how to handle the situation in Syria.  For me personally, I’m at a crossroads philosophically.  Can we really go without responding to the atrocities in Syria?  It’s no longer about “staying out of the business of others”….these are fellow human beings…men, women, children ….fellow expressions of the sacred.  The essence of America…pulling together…coming from a place of Unity and Oneness…is not just about Americans…it’s about Humanity.  This being said, the horrendous “taking out” of hundreds of beings cannot be ignored.  On the other hand, we cannot continue responding to violence with violence if we truly desire to move beyond a world scarred by war. Though there is a part of me that would like to retaliate in kind…”take the SOB’s out”…I recognize this only begets more of the same.  I stand at a crossroads philosophically…and I am not alone.  Humanity stands there as well.    

I truly believe and sense in the core of my being , this is an opportunity for the miraculous.  How do we respond to the atrocities without meeting violence with more of the same?  Though we may not be able to see the answer immediately or outright, there is one.  First, we have to believe there is another way.  Second, we have to allow it to emerge, and third, we must decline from resorting to a destructive path of retaliation.  If we truly believe in a God-Source-Consciousness-Allah, then we have to trust that there are other answers than violence.  And if there isn’t, there isn’t…perhaps we haven’t reached this level of consciousness yet.  However, we have to begin sometime.  We have to have the courage sometime.  We have to take the first step sometime.  Why not start now?

I am going to hold the space for the miraculous to occur.  I have to allow the possibility for a 3rd choice…the choice that comes from the heart and soul….the answer that comes from a higher consciousness.  I feel the opportunity we have in this particular case….I sense the prayers coming from the world over for something new.  The energies of peace and love are available for cultivating a new pattern of response…we only need open to it…align with it….and allow it to unfold.

If you are one of those ready to take the step…I hope you will join me…and me, you….in holding a new vision and allowing a space for the miraculous.

Much love,


Friday, August 30, 2013

An Absence Speaks Strongly

Friday, August 30, 2013

Yesterday morning (as I was visiting Circle K for my extra-large cinnamon coffee), my attention was captured by a photograph on the front of the USA Today.  The picture that caught my eye was that of President Obama, Michelle Obama and former Presidents, Clinton and Carter on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  They were there commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington including Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous “I have a dream” speech.  Immediately, the question that popped into my mind was, “Where are the Republicans?”  The question wasn’t tainted with any judgment or emotion necessarily; it just seemed very odd that they didn’t appear to be present.

The absence of our “other half” bothered me enough that I decided to investigate on the internet.  Surprisingly, I found that prominent Republicans were invited to speak (including the only elected African American Senator) and declined.  I have to admit, I don’t really understand.  As I pondered this over the past 24 hours, I experienced several different emotions.  I’ve done my best to refrain from judgment since I really have no idea why the choice not to attend may have been made.  It appears to be a “party” decision (or a really weird coincidence)….and even more interesting is the fact that it’s the party of Lincoln.

This morning, I became interested in “why” a decision like this might be made.  As I contemplated “why”, it occurred to me that perhaps this commemoration represented something else to some people….maybe some believe in freedom and equality but don’t agree when it comes to the “how” of getting there?  Who knows?  However, it also occurred to me that it may be true that some really don’t believe in freedom and equality for all people and if this is the case, then we have some real problems.  Disagreeing over “strategies” is one thing.  Not supporting the foundational ideals of our nation is another. 

For me, the following questions now stick in my mind…not just for representatives but for each of us….do you or do you not believe in freedom and equality for all people?  Do you see the people of our country as “blue” or “red”, in terms of ethnicity, religious affiliation or sexual orientation?…or do you see Americans?  Are you more concerned about what’s best for Americans or loyalty to a political party that represents less than half of the people?

As I take these questions into my own heart and answer them for myself, I realize how important it is to hold a vibration of Unity, right now….we have come to an evolutionary crossroads, it seems.  Will we choose the values of a higher consciousness – becoming ever more aligned with our foundational aspirations?  Or will we allow the unconscious to stymy the ascent? 

As for me, I’m choosing to hold the vision of Unity…a vision of one nation….under God….indivisiblewith liberty and justice for All….a vision in which the essence of America is in full bloom.  I’m in love with the essence of America…how about you?

Much love,


Monday, August 19, 2013

The Importance of Differing Perspectives

Monday, August 19, 2013

For quite some time, I’ve been contemplating democracy.  Without putting a lot of thought into it, I have always been a staunch supporter – and still am.  However, it wasn’t until the presidential election of 2012 that I began to take a closer look.

The partisan polarization of the 2012 election really opened my eyes in regards to the form of government (democratic republic) we have been blessed with for the past 226 years.  In so many ways, it has worked.  The checks and balances have been brilliant and when the three governmental branches can’t “check” themselves, the Supreme Court has pretty much come through.  Yes, I am aware of the maddening, painstakingly slow crawl in the area of civil rights and equality.  I recognize this to be one of the “hitches” in a democratic form of government.  We can’t move forward without at least 51% of the people onboard.  We have to wait for consciousness to evolve and our perspectives to diversify and upgrade. 

So back to the election of 2012…this election was incredibly disturbing for me.  First, the extremely polarized agendas of the major parties made it almost impossible to come from a centered or “unifying” position.  In the months leading up to the election, I found myself dealing with my own participation in the polarization.  I really worked at reining “me” in and coming from a higher perspective….one that can support diverse beliefs under the umbrella of freedom and equality.  (That took some doing!)  On the day of the election, I suddenly realized that no matter who won, 50% of the voters were going to be angry…some threatening to leave the country or even commit suicide!  Wow….  This realization was heartbreaking for me. 

Over the months since the election, I have pondered this heartbreaking realization and democracy.  Democracy in many ways has become a “winner takes all” operation.  Whichever political party ends up in the majority, sees their “win” as a permission slip to force their views on the “whole”.  Yet 50% are in disagreement.  My concern is if we don’t change our ways, we may see the tumbling of that which we have held so dear due to the unrest and divisiveness.

So….yesterday, I was chatting with a good friend of mine about the importance of differing perspectives.  When we listen to diverse perspectives, we can get a better picture of the “whole” of the situation or issue.  This reminds me of the story about the six blind men and the elephant.  Each man was in proximity to a different part of the elephant and each had a different perspective on what an elephant looked like.  One described the elephant as a “trunk”…another a foot…anotherthe tail…another an ear…another a shoulder….another the hindquarters.  Each was correct in describing their experience of the elephant yet none was correct in regard to the “whole” of the elephant.  To me, this is an example of the importance of different perspectives when discussing an issue.  Without listening to all the different perspectives, we can’t see the whole of the situation.  Therefore, we are less able to make the best decisions.

I read a couple of books in the past several months that also exemplify this idea for me.  One of the books was about John Adams and the other Thomas Jefferson.  These two founders were almost polar opposites in their philosophies at times.  As I saw “events” through the lenses of each man, I began to get a picture of what was really going on at the time.  The neutral truth of the event could be found in using the different perspectives.  Both were necessary to see the whole of the issue.

Winston Churchill was once quoted as saying, “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”  From my contemplations over the last several months, I definitely understand this statement.  I’ve come to a conclusion that it isn’t the form of government that’s to blame for the polarization that threatens to rip us apart at times.  It’s just that it’s time to evolve our consciousness in how we use our form of government.  It’s time to move from “winner takes all”…”there isn’t enough”…”some are more worthy than others”…to something that comes from our unity, first… respecting the perspectives of all… and recognizing the importance of differing perspectives in finding solutions for the whole.  We’re evolving beyond life as a “football game” and moving into life as an “orchestra” where there’s a chair for everyone and each chair is needed for the advancement of our nation – as well as humanity.

As I have come to know myself, I know my perspectives are constantly evolving.  My hope is to align with that which supports freedom and equality, and therefore, the right to varying and disparate beliefs.  My desire is to move from competition to co-creation when it comes to solutions, and my wish is for each and every one of us to find happiness as we bring forth our own unique perspectives, gifts, talents and genius. 

In Unity and Love,


Friday, August 16, 2013

The Evolution of Government

Friday, August 16, 2013

This morning, I find myself vibrating with a sense of urgency.  Well, I’m not sure urgency is the right word, exactly.  Perhaps I could better describe it with “an intense energy” which is pushing me to “do” something.  This intensity seems to be around government…specifically, the evolution of government. 

When I take a step back and look at our government today – especially state or federal levels of government – I sense that we have outgrown something and that we’re ready for the next level (whatever that means!).  Lately, I have visited some local city councils and have been very impressed with what I’ve observed.  They appear to function with what’s best for the community in mind.  They seem to listen to community members who choose to take part…and they attempt to come up with win-win solutions which address the whole as well as the individual.  They don’t seem to align with a particular party rhetoric or jostling for power.  I haven’t observed anything like blocking proposals from the public or holding ideas hostage.  They seem to know their communities and make decisions accordingly.  For me, this is how it’s meant to work.

So why can’t “higher” levels of government work the same way?  Part of the answer to this question seems to lie in the allegiance of representatives to a political party rather than the “whole” and the basic tenets our nation was founded upon.  Those elected seem to represent a piece of society but not the whole of their constituents.  They represent those who believe as they do but not the entirety of the citizenship.  Doesn’t this seem dangerous in regard to freedom and equality?  Doesn’t this seem threatening to the very ideals that government is meant to uphold and protect?  How can one protect freedom while supporting one set of individual beliefs over another?  It seems the goal is to support freedom and equality, first because this would maintain the rights of all beings to their individual beliefs.  What if they and we came from our unity, first?    

I think what’s going on in Egypt is a perfect example of the partisanship which holds our country hostage.  Rather than protecting the unalienable rights of each being to have their own beliefs, religions, etc., the majority party attempts to force the minority to live according to beliefs oppositional to their own.  Isn’t that what some of our citizens attempt to do through a misuse of government (at least as far as I’m concerned)?

It seems to me, we’ve gone as far as we can go with our current rules of engagement.  These rules no longer support the positive evolution of our society on any level.  Each of us is called to raise our consciousness to a new plane…a plane that comes from unity – supporting the ideals of freedom and equality while embracing our differences as a means to co-create a world of a more truthful and updated nature.  It’s going to take each of us engaging in whatever means calls us.  Some will march…some will hold space for unity…some will form organizations…some will contact their representatives… some will attend meetings and make their voice heard…and all will affect change with their thoughts and prayers.

As for me, I may find myself taking part in any of the above…depending on the direction my soul dictates.  I am excited to be alive on this planet at this time…and part of the creation of what is to come.

Much love,



Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Calling Out the Sacred

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Acknowledging the pain….pain for which there are no words…pain understood and felt at the core of our beings…ready for release…we must acknowledge the pain….in order to be freed…

This morning I am feeling “the hug”…the experience shared with a man I didn’t know…a man without a home…living on the streets…forced to depend on the generosity of others for survival… separated from his lower right leg…his mobility enabled by a wheelchair…minority in ethnicity…sacred life force in expression…

I still can feel the embrace we shared…the unseen connection of sacred beings…a sudden knowing between us of the pain of circumstances, abandonment, betrayal…the blow to the child within…”what did I do wrong?”…the thirst for the touch of another…the desire for acknowledgment of our existence…the pain of invisibility…the anguish of not being heard…the excruciating pain of forsakenness…the unconscious cruelty between humans…the shock to the system…a system created in love

It seems we must acknowledge the pain…the pain experienced…the pain caused…we must weep together…embrace ourselves and each other in love and acknowledgment…acknowledging the pain…acknowledging our existence as sacred beings…expressions of the One Life Force

We must retrain ourselves to see the sacred…that which unites us…that which is our connection…we must see the love of all loves staring at us from behind the eyes of each being…the child…the homeless…the elderly…a colleague…a neighbor…a family member…the one in the mirror…

We must call out the Sacred in ourselves and each other….empowering our differences…the uniqueness of our gifts, talents and genius…the power of our very essence…that which we are obligated to share with the world…taking responsibility for our one and only seat in the orchestra of humanity…

This morning, I acknowledge the pain…the pain of my brothers and sisters…the pain within myself…the experiences of abandonment, forsakenness, cruelty, discrimination, lovelessness and injustice…I acknowledge the pain with compassion, patience and love…and open myself to seeing and being seen…as the sacred expression of the One I, and we, are here to be.

Much love,



Tuesday, July 2, 2013

In Gratitude...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A couple of days ago, I drove by a hillside area that had been scorched by fire a few days before.  What I found absolutely amazing was that in the midst of all the ashes and burnt remains of grasses and small trees was the now out-of-place brilliance of several untouched homes; Homes which in all likelihood would be gone without the service and protection of the local firefighters.  Suddenly, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the service these courageous men and women selflessly provide. 

This morning, I dropped off a little sliced apple and cheese tray (which I picked up at the local grocery store, of course!) and shared my heartfelt thank you.  As I was leaving, it occurred to me how often I don’t acknowledge people for the contribution they make in this world.  Whether firefighters, police, doctors, nurses, teachers, plumbers, electricians, mechanics, hairdressers, secretaries, the drive-thru attendant at McDonald’s, the garbage collectors, friends, neighbors, family or the homeless, how often do I really acknowledge the contribution each makes?  How often do I thank them for their existence?  Each and every being plays a part in this world, and each deserves to be noticed, right? 

Today, I am choosing to be more conscious about celebrating and acknowledging the existence of my fellow human beings.  Whether it’s stated out loud or said through a connection with the eyes, I feel called to boogie (don’t know where that came from!) and share a little love.

Love ya!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Charlie Brown Rides Again!

Do you ever have times in your life when you wonder what the heck is going on?  Why isn’t anything working?  For me, I can even get to the place where I’m wondering if my time here in this world is done.  I can feel soooooo miserable emotionally and my emotions seem to have a symbiotic relationship with my mental mind as well as my physical being.  Doubt becomes enemy #1 as I grow intensely weary of following what I know to be my own Inner Guidance (IG) yet running into a brick wall just as I dare to believe and reach a near sprint!  (Lucy convincing Charlie Brown to once again trust her then pulling the football away after he’s run toward it and just as he swings his leg to kick it, comes to mind!)   Suddenly, I find myself unwilling to “believe” even one more time.  I find myself going round in circles thinking I must be doing something wrong…, not able to determine what it is and beginning to doubt my own IG.  (Very unnerving!)

For instance, I’ve felt the inner push to offer a travelling workshop and gone through all the hoops to set it up without one person showing interest.  I’ve set up a business including creating my own website (interesting…) …given some workshops…been “yo-yo’d” several times by prospective clients… followed my IG all the way…yet not ending up with what I envisioned.  In fact, I would say that part(s) of me definitely have cried out “Oh Lord, why hath thou forsaken me?”  After all, my IG pushed me in this direction…why hasn’t it worked out the way I anticipated?  Why am I not rich, famous and deliriously happy?  I must be doing something wrong…  (Torment and Punishment and Doubt!  Oh my!)     

Well…I’ve finally come to the conclusion that I’m not doing anything wrong…I’ve just attached my own meaning and desired outcomes to the directions I’ve heard and followed.  I’ve judged myself negatively based on my interpretations of the outcomes I’ve experienced.  I heard the directions and rushed ahead with my own assumptions of what that meant was coming.  (This reminds me of Devi, my dog, rushing ahead to get the ball when I haven’t thrown it yet!  Where is it?  Where is it? As she looks frantically in multiple directions before turning back to find that I’m still holding the object she seeks or I’ve thrown it in a direction other than she anticipated!  And I think she’s gullible!)

So what I’ve learned is this…S-U-R-R-E-N-D-E-R…this means stop trying to figure it outstop attempting to dictate an outcome...stay in the moment…take each step directed without pre-conceived notions as to their meaning….allow myself to be surprised and excited by the unknown…enjoy the ride.  The soul knows the path it has chosen… “i” don’t have a clue… It knows the beliefs and pre-conceived understandings I am to release while “i” protectively (and gallantly, I might add!) attempt to hold onto my limitations!

With this knowledge, I feel a sense of peace (at least for now!) as well as the rekindling of my child-like excitement in knowing that there is a path beneath my feet….invisible to “me”…but well known by ME.  The question is, can I blindly surrender to this path, trusting continuously in that which I cannot see?  (This is where the child-like excitement is supposed to come in! Yahoo!???)  Once again, I feel inspired to give it a try….and as I confidently jog toward the football….I hear “Charlie Brown rides again!”  Woohoo! :-)

Much love,



Friday, April 19, 2013

We the People

Friday, April 19, 2013

Yesterday, I “pointed and clicked” on a video on Facebook.  It was a replay of the singing of the national anthem prior to the Boston Bruins game.  It began with a soloist and within seconds became a phenomenal expression of the essence of America as the many spectators became the one voice – the voice of America.  It would be hard to believe that anyone who watches this video would not be moved to tears.

This morning as I replay this experience in my mind, I am attempting to put words to what this essence brings forth.  What moves us beyond all our differences into this incredible experience of unity?  As I listened to the one voice that had emerged in that arena, I heard the resilience, perseverance, courage and strength that is representative of the essence of America.  And in this moment of awe-inspiring unity, I could feel the power of “We the People”…a force more powerful than any governmental structure…incongruent belief system…or polarization.  We the People exemplifies E Pluribus Unum – out of many, One – and We the People are joined in heart by the love we carry for this nation and what it stands for. 

Give us your huddled masses…your sick…your tired…your poor…. Because here you have a shot…here you can be who you are….and here you can aspire to live your dreams....

As Americans, we are bonded in our hearts by the essence of this great country which exemplifies love…unity…freedom…equality...and independence – all which rise above differences while allowing those differences to exist.  The essence of America speaks to the essence of life itself…persistent, resilient, courageous, empowered and in love.

I’m in love with the essence of America….that which lies deep within us…that which the vast majority of us is in love with…that which unites us…

Much love,



Friday, April 5, 2013

The Essence of America in One Sentence

If I had to express the Essence of America in one sentence, it would be that sentence from the Declaration of Independence that stands out among the rest and glows multi-dimensionally with Truth…

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [Beings] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” 

The Essence of America goes beyond race, color, creed, sexual orientation, gender, culture and any other distinguishing characteristic of the One in the Many.  It vibrates beyond wounds and differences.  It’s something inherent within each of us – no matter our background or experiences – and something we must aspire to remember, clearing all that which blocks its purity.

The Essence of America is not equivalent to “Americans”.  Those known around the world as “Americans” are those who live as citizens in the United States of America.  The Essence of America is not just about “Americans”… We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [Beings] are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…. The Essence of America is universal and springs from the highest of spiritual attributes.  It speaks to Humanity.  The Essence of America is of the One and celebrates diversity as the vehicle for an infinity of unique experiences.

In many ways, the Essence of America is like the etheric soup which everything exists within.  All is included….nothing is excluded…each is sovereign to itself….yet connected to all others…by the One….and as the One.

As we converse around this Essence….connecting evermore fully with it….all that which blocks us from unification arises.  Beliefs, wounds, experiences, etc., all come to the surface for release.  I believe this is an important part of the transformational process as we aspire to unity as this essence.
I'm in love with the essence of America!
Much love,


Saturday, February 23, 2013

As a Van Gogh...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

As I consciously choose to see myself and those I come into contact with as whole and complete, my world changes.  As I begin to experience a world not built on need, I have the opportunity to witness Consciousness having its experience – through a myriad of forms.  Judgment ceases as I realize to critique God seems incredibly ridiculous…silly…arrogant.  It’s like someone coming up to Van Gogh, looking at one of his paintings and saying, “Don’t you think that blue should really be brown?”  (LOL!)  I’m beginning to respect each individual artist as they create their own reality which in turn allows me the same respect with myself.  Coming from a place of whole and complete, allows me to share from within….to express that which desires to be shared…without need or to be needed.  We are all artists not only creating our world with our thoughts, “rules” and beliefs but sharing the song of our very essence.  Beautiful…

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Surrendering into Freedom

Saturday, February 16, 2013

If I allow it to be true.....there is a place where I begin to create my own reality independent of the “rules” of this world.  No longer governed by time, expectations, should’s and should not’s, I see the world through the eyes of a Master Creator.  It is complete surrender to my own Higher Guidance – my tie to the true Creator – that connects me to freedom and my song. 

As I ready myself to jump with both feet, my survival archetypes which have been my earthly bodyguards, making sure of my “earthly survival”, raise some last concerns…. “Does this Higher Guidance know how to operate in this world?  Does it know the pitfalls?  Does it know how to avoid disaster, pain and suffering?  Does it know enough to keep “us” alive?”  My sense is that this Higher Guidance – my own personal guru – knows that I am eternal and isn’t attached to “survival”.  It comes from a place of “whole and complete”.  It brings the wisdom, assurance and insights of the true sovereign…the sight of that which is free from the dictates of the illusion (illusory because it’s composed of rules and structures we have made, maintained and supported – not Universal Law)…allowing me to be in this world….and not of it. 

It’s strange to feel detached from the rules which have dictated my life to this point….how I should look, feel, work, play, act, etc.  To this point, I recognize that surrender to this divine part of my existence – allowing myself to be whole and complete – has been a process of reconnection….just one more step along the path home….
Much love,