Monday, September 2, 2013

An Opportunity for the Miraculous

Monday, September 2, 2013

I’ve been pondering – as I’m sure many of you have – how to handle the situation in Syria.  For me personally, I’m at a crossroads philosophically.  Can we really go without responding to the atrocities in Syria?  It’s no longer about “staying out of the business of others”….these are fellow human beings…men, women, children ….fellow expressions of the sacred.  The essence of America…pulling together…coming from a place of Unity and Oneness…is not just about Americans…it’s about Humanity.  This being said, the horrendous “taking out” of hundreds of beings cannot be ignored.  On the other hand, we cannot continue responding to violence with violence if we truly desire to move beyond a world scarred by war. Though there is a part of me that would like to retaliate in kind…”take the SOB’s out”…I recognize this only begets more of the same.  I stand at a crossroads philosophically…and I am not alone.  Humanity stands there as well.    

I truly believe and sense in the core of my being , this is an opportunity for the miraculous.  How do we respond to the atrocities without meeting violence with more of the same?  Though we may not be able to see the answer immediately or outright, there is one.  First, we have to believe there is another way.  Second, we have to allow it to emerge, and third, we must decline from resorting to a destructive path of retaliation.  If we truly believe in a God-Source-Consciousness-Allah, then we have to trust that there are other answers than violence.  And if there isn’t, there isn’t…perhaps we haven’t reached this level of consciousness yet.  However, we have to begin sometime.  We have to have the courage sometime.  We have to take the first step sometime.  Why not start now?

I am going to hold the space for the miraculous to occur.  I have to allow the possibility for a 3rd choice…the choice that comes from the heart and soul….the answer that comes from a higher consciousness.  I feel the opportunity we have in this particular case….I sense the prayers coming from the world over for something new.  The energies of peace and love are available for cultivating a new pattern of response…we only need open to it…align with it….and allow it to unfold.

If you are one of those ready to take the step…I hope you will join me…and me, you….in holding a new vision and allowing a space for the miraculous.

Much love,


1 comment:

  1. I stand united with you Karrie, holding space for the miraculous! If we are to lead by example as a nation framed in liberty and justice for all, then killing as a response to killing will only beget more of the same. Do we have the courage to stand for peace and practice this as a nation? If I truly believe that love can unite the world then I feel compelled to shift my own long-held beliefs...and trust that there is a freeing path that uplifts all. I embrace compassionate resolve and hold space for a unified decision from our congress that upholds the essence of America.
