Saturday, February 23, 2013

As a Van Gogh...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

As I consciously choose to see myself and those I come into contact with as whole and complete, my world changes.  As I begin to experience a world not built on need, I have the opportunity to witness Consciousness having its experience – through a myriad of forms.  Judgment ceases as I realize to critique God seems incredibly ridiculous…silly…arrogant.  It’s like someone coming up to Van Gogh, looking at one of his paintings and saying, “Don’t you think that blue should really be brown?”  (LOL!)  I’m beginning to respect each individual artist as they create their own reality which in turn allows me the same respect with myself.  Coming from a place of whole and complete, allows me to share from within….to express that which desires to be shared…without need or to be needed.  We are all artists not only creating our world with our thoughts, “rules” and beliefs but sharing the song of our very essence.  Beautiful…

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Surrendering into Freedom

Saturday, February 16, 2013

If I allow it to be true.....there is a place where I begin to create my own reality independent of the “rules” of this world.  No longer governed by time, expectations, should’s and should not’s, I see the world through the eyes of a Master Creator.  It is complete surrender to my own Higher Guidance – my tie to the true Creator – that connects me to freedom and my song. 

As I ready myself to jump with both feet, my survival archetypes which have been my earthly bodyguards, making sure of my “earthly survival”, raise some last concerns…. “Does this Higher Guidance know how to operate in this world?  Does it know the pitfalls?  Does it know how to avoid disaster, pain and suffering?  Does it know enough to keep “us” alive?”  My sense is that this Higher Guidance – my own personal guru – knows that I am eternal and isn’t attached to “survival”.  It comes from a place of “whole and complete”.  It brings the wisdom, assurance and insights of the true sovereign…the sight of that which is free from the dictates of the illusion (illusory because it’s composed of rules and structures we have made, maintained and supported – not Universal Law)…allowing me to be in this world….and not of it. 

It’s strange to feel detached from the rules which have dictated my life to this point….how I should look, feel, work, play, act, etc.  To this point, I recognize that surrender to this divine part of my existence – allowing myself to be whole and complete – has been a process of reconnection….just one more step along the path home….
Much love,

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Freeing the Holy Grail

Saturday, February 9, 2013

If I allow it to be true that I am whole and complete then the world around me falls away.  A world based in need, imbalance and deficit can no longer be my reflection.  If I allow it to be true that I am whole and complete and I see all others as whole and complete, I create and interact from a place without need.  Since the world, its systems, businesses and focus have been based in need, it now disappears and I find myself in in the wholeness of Nature….pared to my own nature…cleansed of all that which is not mine.  I am whole and complete within my own nature.  I am organic….all actions and interactions become organic as well…no plans…no worries…no doubt….no need.

If I allow it to be true that I am whole and complete, I create from my wholeness… I reflect my song…I paint from and as my song…that which I have been protecting for as long as I have been in human form….the most beautiful, delicate – yet eternal – hush inspiring, tear and smile invoking melody…it’s the song of my soul…and if I allow it to be true that I am whole and complete then I release all protections knowing my song is eternal…and I create from this song…from wholeness I create as this unique melody which has been buried and hidden for lifetimes…the Holy Grail has been found…. and freed. 
Much Love,

Friday, February 1, 2013

Beneath the false facade...the One plays its music...

Friday, February 1, 2013

What if I saw myself and all others as musical instruments…..each uniquely designed and enlivened by the breath of God…the life force of being?  What if I could sense the richness and depth of the music created through the interaction of God-Source-Consciousness and the unique characteristics of my divinely constructed instrument?  What if I took the time to relish the music played by Consciousness through the one-of-a-kind design of others?  Wow…..
When I take the time to consciously s-l-o-w-d-o-w-n, I sense the One in the many…the breath…the life force…God…I see the amazing array of instruments….I feel the joy of Consciousness as it revels in the uniqueness of each one….and I begin to experience myself as a part of the One….seeing the opportunity of Life through the eyes of Consciousness that inhabits my instrument as well as the instrument of others.  My interactions become duets, trios and orchestras…sacred  “jam sessions” of sorts…and my need to dominate, convince or override transforms into a natural harmonizing where the discordant chords are every bit as inspiring and beautiful as the non-discordant….
In these moments of clarity, time ceases to exist and I allow the awesome nature of that of which I am a part to have its way with me….the truth overrides the illusion….and I hear and feel the divine melody performed through the instruments of the many…and I am reminded that no matter the moment…regardless of earthly circumstances…beneath the false façade….the One plays its music….always…    
Much love,
