Friday, August 16, 2013

The Evolution of Government

Friday, August 16, 2013

This morning, I find myself vibrating with a sense of urgency.  Well, I’m not sure urgency is the right word, exactly.  Perhaps I could better describe it with “an intense energy” which is pushing me to “do” something.  This intensity seems to be around government…specifically, the evolution of government. 

When I take a step back and look at our government today – especially state or federal levels of government – I sense that we have outgrown something and that we’re ready for the next level (whatever that means!).  Lately, I have visited some local city councils and have been very impressed with what I’ve observed.  They appear to function with what’s best for the community in mind.  They seem to listen to community members who choose to take part…and they attempt to come up with win-win solutions which address the whole as well as the individual.  They don’t seem to align with a particular party rhetoric or jostling for power.  I haven’t observed anything like blocking proposals from the public or holding ideas hostage.  They seem to know their communities and make decisions accordingly.  For me, this is how it’s meant to work.

So why can’t “higher” levels of government work the same way?  Part of the answer to this question seems to lie in the allegiance of representatives to a political party rather than the “whole” and the basic tenets our nation was founded upon.  Those elected seem to represent a piece of society but not the whole of their constituents.  They represent those who believe as they do but not the entirety of the citizenship.  Doesn’t this seem dangerous in regard to freedom and equality?  Doesn’t this seem threatening to the very ideals that government is meant to uphold and protect?  How can one protect freedom while supporting one set of individual beliefs over another?  It seems the goal is to support freedom and equality, first because this would maintain the rights of all beings to their individual beliefs.  What if they and we came from our unity, first?    

I think what’s going on in Egypt is a perfect example of the partisanship which holds our country hostage.  Rather than protecting the unalienable rights of each being to have their own beliefs, religions, etc., the majority party attempts to force the minority to live according to beliefs oppositional to their own.  Isn’t that what some of our citizens attempt to do through a misuse of government (at least as far as I’m concerned)?

It seems to me, we’ve gone as far as we can go with our current rules of engagement.  These rules no longer support the positive evolution of our society on any level.  Each of us is called to raise our consciousness to a new plane…a plane that comes from unity – supporting the ideals of freedom and equality while embracing our differences as a means to co-create a world of a more truthful and updated nature.  It’s going to take each of us engaging in whatever means calls us.  Some will march…some will hold space for unity…some will form organizations…some will contact their representatives… some will attend meetings and make their voice heard…and all will affect change with their thoughts and prayers.

As for me, I may find myself taking part in any of the above…depending on the direction my soul dictates.  I am excited to be alive on this planet at this time…and part of the creation of what is to come.

Much love,



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