Thursday, July 12, 2012

What Path?!

This morning I find myself contemplating a variety of "drop-ins."  I sense each seems to apply to the "path forward" with a common focus on supporting the authentic in ourselves and each other as well as recognizing that the path ahead is new. (What path?!)  Though history in many ways has been important, what lies ahead has yet to be "painted" and calls on each of us to go where we have never gone before.  There isn't a manual or any real "touchstones."  Each of us must gather the courage, connect with the excitement, feel the "call" within us and watch the path unfold as we take each step.

In knowing this, it seems important for us to support each other in following our "unlike-any-other, song of the soul" path.  Each path is incredibly beautiful and rudely magnificent in its uniqueness.    I'm not sure we are familiar with supporting "uniqueness."  Many of the systems we've grown up in support "alike-ness."  We are used to aligning with the "road most followed" - the 100 lane highway of the status quo.  It seems to me that as we come into recognition that each of us is a one-of-a-kind expression, we are in many ways liberated from the "judgment" ingrained in our subconscious.  When you aren't like anyone else, you really can't be "judged" by that which is outside yourself.  (After all, no one else has my manual - I can't even find it sometimes!)  And attempting to fit into a structure made for someone else can only lead to a great deal of discomfort and unhappiness.

As I ponder this a little deeper, I recognize that I definitely have my own judgments.  I have to really be paying attention to the voices of my inner characters to catch them sometimes but my ingrained rules for "good or bad" and "wrong or right" are readily available at anytime - whether I want to admit it or not!  Recognizing the "era of authenticity and uniqueness" we are coming into, it seems important for me to somehow transform these judgments... 

It occurs to me that there is a difference between feeling something is "wrong" or "right" - more as an "inner compass" for myself - and attaching to another rule for my "hall monitor" to enforce.  If I look at how something feels then it becomes an in the moment "direction indicator."  If it feels "good" or "right" I may want to head in that direction.  If it feels "bad" or "wrong" then maybe I want to find another direction.  However, I also need to recognize that what feels "bad" or "good" may be unique to me and in this way, these feelings of "right or wrong" become an individuated "compass" of sorts.  If I can go to this level of "judgment as path finder", then I can release the heaviness associated with traditional judgment - supporting myself and others in blazing our "unlike-any-other" trails.  Hmmmm....I like it!

Another "drop-in" I had this morning had to do with past "messaging" and how "messages" many times have been tailored to align with that which people want to hear.  I sense that as we move into a period calling for more authenticity and "one-of-a-kind-ness,"  messages may be more about what we have to share rather than what people want to hear.  Each of us has something valuable to express and the world needs whatever it is.  I sense the time has finally arrived when it's "cool" to align with our personal version of the "star spangled banner" and "belt out our tune" as it has never been belted before!

Much love,

Good God!  Does anyone else feel like they are going crazy today?!  It's like trying to pull a thread of sanity out of mass chaos!  (scary giggle)  Wooohooo! 

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