Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Equality & the "Not So Grand Old Party"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I am feeling incredibly passionate and “take no prisoner-ish” this morning.  It’s interesting to observe myself when I get like this.  The “judge” wants to tell me to “calm down”, this isn’t how a “true child of God” behaves!  I realize this is one of those fallacies associated with my “religious” upbringing.  After all, Jesus wasn’t too “calm” when he threw over the tables of the moneychangers, was he?
As you probably are aware, I am extremely passionate about the founding principles of this nation….equality….life…liberty….and the pursuit of happiness – and the fact that these characteristics are unalienable because of who we really are – God incarnate.  I take issue with those who believe they have the right to decide who is privy to that which is everyone’s to begin with.  Though I believe in free speech and the right to an opinion, I am really tired of those who don’t really support that which this nation was founded upon, holding the microphone.  I grow weary of giving them little pats on the back as they appear to move one-one-hundredth of a step toward individual freedom and equality.  Though I am “understanding” on one level, I find it totally unacceptable on another.
This morning, I read an article from yesterday’s opinion page in the Los Angeles Times entitled, “The GOP’s anti-gay? Not so fast”.  At first I was hopeful – and I still am.  I am glad there is movement within this “not-so-grand-old-party.”  I believe the author of the article has made good use of spinning the data in order to point out to Romney and the party directors that perhaps they need to take a look at the growing “support” for recognition of gay and lesbian equality.  However, I don’t believe that 14%, 12% and 18% in support of same-sex marriage -  according to polling of various groups within the Republican Party (Christian conservatives, Republicans in General, Tea Partiers) – means the GOP isn’t anti-gay.  Now… the percentages supporting some sort of recognition for gay and lesbian couples are about double the percentages of those in support of gay marriage (27%, 39%, 35%).  Though the vast majority of the party doesn’t believe in the equality of marriage, about a third of them do believe in tossing some sort of “bone” – like civil unions or domestic partnerships - to us “lesser-thans.”   
To date, I cannot figure out why I should have to ask “voters” for permission to marry the person I love – and I didn’t.  I didn’t even ask my father – or my partner’s father – for permission.  Why would I ask millions of people I don’t even know?  The spiritual values this nation was founded upon – equality, freedom, the pursuit of happiness, the sacred opportunity of life – do not have exceptions.  As I have said before, man-devised Religion is a step below Truth – and most certainly a step beneath the founding principles of this nation.  There is a reason “separation of church and state” is important – and it has to do with equality…life…liberty…and the pursuit of happiness as unalienable rights. 
I sense that once religious doctrine goes beyond “Love the Lord God with all your might” and “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” it has stepped into the man-devised realm of an excuse for judgment and ultimately control.  There are plenty of religions that have “updated” their files.  To them, I say "thank you" for having the courage to seek out and align with Truth.     
In closing, I want to reiterate that the current state of affairs is NOT OK.  I am glad things are beginning to shift but that doesn’t mean we stop pushing! 
My name is Karrie Wallen ......and I am.... DARING TO LIVE OUT LOUD!

*Statistics embedded in the article - “The GOP’s anti-gay?  Not so fast!” – Los Angeles Times (opinion page) Monday, July 16, 2012.  (By David Lampo)

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