Tuesday, July 3, 2012

God & the Founding of the United States of America

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A couple of days ago, I had a discussion with myself regarding the link between God and unalienable rights.  Today, I am looking into the connection between God and the foundation of the United States of America.

The first thing that comes to mind is "separation of church and state."  This seems like a no-brainer when one considers the religious persecution many times experienced when a nation is controlled by a particular "church."  In the United States of America, one of the freedoms afforded by the Constitution is a choice in how we choose to believe - or not - in regard to religion.  It becomes even clearer why such a separation needs to exist when we look at the judgments of many religious organizations regarding various groups of people.  Most religions do not have "Life, Liberty & the pursuit of Happiness" as an underlying doctrine.  (Why not?)  Many religions tend to "judge" based on a right and a wrong.  Different religions have different rights and wrongs - as well as punishments and rewards.  This fact in itself makes it difficult to mix government and religion.

However, when I feel into the unalienable rights - which are of God-Source-Consciousness - I recognize something beyond religion.  The unalienable rights are spiritual values...they are of the Spirit...innate characteristics of Consciousness.  They are individual yet Universal.  The unalienable rights of Life....Liberty....and the pursuit of Happiness are spiritual values of the highest order.

The United States of America was therefore founded upon spiritual values....values of the Spirit....the Spirit of who we are.....not religious beliefs which seem to vary from organization to organization.  And though we have a right to believe how we want to, I believe each of us has an obligation to continue our search for Truth (continuing the evolution of our religious organizations).

When I go a little further, I stumble upon the American Dream.  I don't believe the American Dream was really about a spouse, 2 kids, a dog and a house with a white picket fence.  For me, the American Dream was about the right to choose....the right to consciously live that which we can not be separated from - including...Life....Liberty....and the pursuit of Happiness.  At its highest level, the American Dream is about the continuous journey to Self...to true happiness...reveling in the sacredness of Life....the opportunity to be alive....experience.... and create....and the freedom to be who we are

Digging a little deeper, I sense that it is in the living of these "unalienable values" that we find union - union within ourselves and union with each otherAs each individual finds their way "home" to this union - and alignment with their own unique expression through which God experiences - old ways and structures dissolve and new connections and creations emerge.  At this level, we exist without judgment and "hall monitors."  Each individual follows their own Song which synchronistically synergizes with the infinite Songs of Humanity.

I get a sense that if each of us could focus our attention in the direction of the true values upon which this nation was founded - declaring independence from the judgments we've been indoctrinated with, finding Truth within ourselves - we could once again come into union.  We could get beyond Republican and Democrat, conservative and liberal, right and wrong....and revel in the bliss of who we are and celebrate our unalienable right to live from freedom and happiness.  Perhaps, this Independence Day, we can take a moment to remember who we are as expressions of Consciousness, the significance of what this entails and recalibrate our perspectives.

Today, I give thanks for those who who 236 years ago courageously signed their names and offered their lives in the name of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...in their words....And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.....

Much love,


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