Sunday, July 1, 2012

God & Unalienable Rights

Sunday, July 1, 2012

One of my most favorite days is fast approaching....July 4th!  Independence Day!  I can't even get close to sharing the depth of emotion I carry in regard to this day and the Declaration of Independence.  I sense this passion of mine is definitely a part of Allowing Karrie.  I feel that in following it - like a trail of sorts - I am certain to find even more of who I am.  This morning, I am contemplating the link between "God" and the unalienable rights....

First, it seems important to consider the meaning of the word unalienable.  Unalienable means "cannot be alienated from" or "cannot be separated from."  Therefore, these rights are innate and intrinsic.  They are naturally a part of who we are.  They exist because we exist.  To go even deeper, the rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness are characteristic of Consciousness - otherwise known as God...Source...the All That Is.  These are inherent attributes within the life force that animates our being.  It only makes sense that they would therefore be unalienable.

As I contemplate these unalienable rights even further, it seems apparent that innate characteristics such as these cannot really be taught.  They have to be experienced and felt to be understood.  They can't really be defined....trying to define them seems to limit them in some way.  The best I/we can do is describe what I/we feel in regard to these unalienable characteristics....

Here's my go....

Life is the sacred opportunity to create and well as the life force that connects each and every one of us.  It is the incredible opportunity to live...witness...and be witnessed.  When we truly recognize and honor the sacredness of Life in ourselves and each other, our experience of (and as) Life becomes ecstatic.  This is true knowledge of the One in the Many and the Many in the One.

Liberty is the truthful experience of being - without restriction.  It is the innate knowledge of the master creator as well as the uninhibited freedom to choose.

The Pursuit of Happiness is the right to pursue that which excites us, fulfills us and enlivens us.  It is the right to pursue - and live from - who we really are.  It is the ever-present desire to pursue our Happiness that keeps us expanding and experiencing - which takes us back to the purpose for Life.

The crucial point for the sake of knowing seems to be that Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness are characteristics of Consciousness itself.  We were made in the image of God.  We ARE God-Source-Consciousness in human form.  Through the eyes of Consciousness, we become liberated from the "false facade" (rules, beliefs, limits) of this world; we experience the excitement of being alive; and we pursue that which "calls" us into Happiness in each and every moment.  In short, we begin to experience Life as we were destined to experience it.

Today, I take this understanding deep into my being and celebrate my roots in destiny of Independence (from the false facade)....and my new life expression through the eyes of God.  

Happy 3 days before Independence Day!

Much Love,


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