Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Right to Something Different

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I have really felt some anger coming up as of late.  It’s that type of anger that comes from somewhere deep inside, origins unknown, and therefore difficult to remedy.  I have a sense that this “rage” has been simmering for a while…hidden beneath layers of unconsciousness…habitual suppression blended into ignorance.  However, this anger has risen and found its way into my awareness…from a place where dreams are hidden, seemingly put on eternal hold…yet not forgotten.

I finally got it as I was intimating in a conversation the differences between my values for my life’s experience and those values which rule the world’s expectations, assumptions and structures; the values that herd humanity in directions with which we may not be in agreement but unconsciously support and maintain.  I heard myself say “I have the right to my reality!”  I don’t want to support or be governed by systems based in greed, imbalance or promoting the exhaustion of oneself just to “survive”.  I don’t want to buy into a societal false façade that perpetuates inequality and holds “money” as its highest value.  I don’t want to be a part of an economic system which decides and drives my career choice.  In some ways, I feel the majority of humanity is held hostage by systems and structures which no longer benefit the whole.  I don’t want to be governed by these types of structures anymore.

I don’t think I consciously realized what a “downer” these systems, structures and expectations have become for me.  There’s a whole new world on the horizon and much of what I just shared is not a part of it.  I see a reality where the highest value is love…where freedom and equality aren’t just words but ideals we aspire to and live with the greatest of integrity…where the gifts, talents and genius of the people drive the economy (which is therefore always expanding)…where systems promote self-actualization and authenticity as well as unity…where balance is inherent as people are driven by their heart and inner guidance…where each individual is acknowledged and valued just for his/her existence…and where we come together as an orchestra, each playing our unique part while uniting in one divine melody…

For some reason, it seems important that I acknowledge the fact that I have the right to my reality.  I don’t have to buy into and support a reality with which I no longer agree.  In fact, I don’t like the way it feels when I support something I can’t really stand.  Therefore, I’m claiming the right to something different…planting a homesteading stake somewhere in my dreams…clearing conflicting beliefs…and allowing the manifestation process to do its thing!  Girl, do I feel better! 

Much love,


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