Saturday, April 19, 2014

Snarky Alert! "Fitting In" to the Economy - or the World for that matter!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

(Warning:  This may sound a little snarky…but in reality I’m just passionate (and probably doing a little venting)!  I love you…I love me…and I love what our souls are “up to”!  I’m just impatient…. J )

This morning I’ve been pondering many things - (I had an extra-large Circle K cinnamon coffee with lots of french vanilla creamer and felt inspired!) – most having to do with the recognition of the disparity between the current world reality and the one I sense is possible.  There are so many “programmed” beliefs underlying our experience as a collective.  Yet these synthetic building blocks are almost in direct opposition to the life we would really like to experience.  Those in government think they are doing everyone a real favor in governmental and corporate job creation…creating jobs for people to fit into…allowing the economy to drive lives.  I guess on one-hand it’s the thought that counts but I desire a new reality where my gifts, talents and genius and the gifts, talents and genius of my fellow humans drive the economy – not the other way around.  I desire to live my own Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - not that devised by someone else.

Of course, the collective reality is created by those who are part of the collective.  As long as we continue to support synthetic systems which don’t align with the nature of who we are, we will continue to get more of the same.  As long as we don’t claim our opportunity…our freedom to choose…and pay attention to that which continuously calls us to happiness…we will continue the same experience.  We’re in charge of this creation as well as any transformation that is to unfold.

This brings me to education, children, test scores, etc.  (Public education is an example of government interference and heavy-handedness at its most harmful.  All those involved are held hostage by the system – at least until they decide differently.)  What right do we have to be party to the suppression and burial of someone’s “God-given” gifts, talents and genius?  By what universal law, do we have the right to stand in the way of divinely-implanted tools and dreams?  In the land of the free, why aren’t we teaching Life…Liberty…and the pursuit of Happiness?  Why aren’t we helping people to know who they really are…to claim who they are…to bring who they are into this world?  Why aren’t we cultivating these true gifts, talents and geniuses?  Don’t these real things make test scores and national core standards look small?      

I don’t think I’m alone in my desire for “something different” nor in the recognition of the ridiculousness of that which we seem forced to live.  Many of us feel the same and yet have no idea what to do about it.  From my point of view, it seems essential that each of us claims our vision and goes about being it.   If we want a more authentic system then we have to de-program ourselves and be authentic – not just at home where it’s safe and cozy but out in the world.  We have to support ourselves – and each other – in claiming our life.  We have to uncover and cultivate the gifts and talents kept safe in the core of who we are…and support others in doing the same.  The world reality shifts one courageous individual at a time.  If we really want something different then we must harness our courage, claim who we are and walk forward creating anew as we go.  This is the way to lasting happiness…and this is the way to the world of our dreams.

Much love,


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