Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Chasing Blame

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Well, it’s the dreaded April 15th…the day taxes are due.  I just watched a video created by a well-known reform activist regarding the unfairness of the current system.  (I’m not sure too many would disagree with the fact that our tax system has some major issues.)  The video was focused on the point that the system favors the “super-rich” and that we need to ban together and go after the infamous “one-percent”.  Evidently, they’re to blame.  I thought it was the system…. 

There are so many causes these days focused on blaming and going after another group of Americans or those desiring to be Americans.  Besides the “one-percent”, we’ve also labeled welfare recipients as the scourge of society…and of course, there’s those pesky people crossing the border without documentation – people who have a dream and desire to be part of a nation where pursuing your dream is a part of the founding principles. 

We’ve pitted welfare recipients, immigrants without documentation and even people desiring healthcare…against military veterans and other groups we’ve judged as more deserving.  We’ve labeled, scorned, judged and negated other humans...like our unhappiness is their fault.  When in reality, a system has become outdated….a system needs to change.

Part of what needs to change is our way of thinking.  We don’t have to destroy other people just to “win” and have things our way.  It doesn’t have to be an “either/or”.  There’s no reason we can’t create from a “both/and”.  There’s nothing keeping us from creating solutions, structures and systems which support the whole…that support freedomco-creativitybalancerespect…and independence.  But it takes each of us shifting our own mindset from the old “warring” mentality to one which comes from and supports co-creativity, respect and love; that sees the problem and looks for solutions rather than blame.

As a collective, it’s evident we’re looking for “something different”…that we don’t like things the way they are…and on this, we can most likely agree.  Yet part of “something different” has to include how we look at each other , speak to each other and treat each other.  We can’t create “something different” using the same old, unconscious, divisive tactics.  I’m ready to be “something different”…what about you?

Much love,


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