Friday, April 11, 2014

Claiming God, Vision & Me

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The last several days, I have really been feeling the power of claiming my vision.   Vision can mean many things and in this case, it pertains to my beliefs, values, desires and dreams.  Let me just say right up front that I don’t propose or pretend that my vision is any more valid than another…but it certainly isn’t any less – and this is the insight that’s important. 

This movement to claim my vision seems to be permeating many areas of my consciousness.  In fact, it’s propelling me to re-claim some things as well.  For instance…

God….Since I was very young I always had a very close relationship with God.  However, due to the beliefs of many a mainstream religion, I got to the point that I didn’t even want to hear the word God…or Christian for that matter.  I would cringe when I heard either word.  (Sad when you think about it.)  However, I was able to keep my relationship with the One and Only by re-naming God as the much more expansive, non-judgmental, unconditionally loving, Consciousness.  It was just in the last year that I realized that I had the right to my God.  No one holds the market on the One and Only.  Now, I use the words Consciousness and God almost interchangeably.  I have re-claimed God and that feels really good.  Claiming my beliefs has also helped me accept the rights of others to their beliefs.  This is part of freedom of conscience as Thomas Jefferson might say.

Vision…. In the same way that I have re-claimed God, I have come to the realization that I can re-claim my vision.  This is really about recognizing that there’s nothing wrong with my vision – just as there was nothing wrong with my understanding of God.  I don’t have to support or buy-in to that with which I don’t agree.  I don’t have to go to battle against it.  I have the right to my own vision.  I just need to take responsibility for it and go about being it.  Right now, I am claiming… my vision…my perspective…my voice…my sense of equality…my love…my freedom…and my opportunity!  (This is so empowering!)

Me….I am taking this opportunity to claim me as well.  I like me.  In fact, I love me.  I am perfectly me.  There is no other me.  I am the one and only me.  I am happy being me.  J

Claiming the right to my vision – and all that includes – seems to be part of the process on the way to living from wholeness.  Making the commitment to acknowledge my vision…be my vision…stand in my vision…and feel my vision…seems like a powerful step in the transformation of my experience and my reality. 

 Much love,


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