Tuesday, April 22, 2014

We the People and the Final Word

Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Yesterday morning when I started my car, I was met by National Public Radio and the voice of a man giving a report to a “Madame President”.  The report was regarding the distribution of wealth in the United States.  The more I listened, the “snarkier” I became.  I’m going to share what I heard on the radio but you may want to do your own research to get verification as well as perspective.  (I found a webpage “Who Rules America?” by a Professor William Domhoff at the University of California at Santa Cruz which shares all sorts of data and graphs.  The article presented, entitled “Power in America – Wealth, Income and Power” gave me a better understanding of a problem that isn’t new.  What’s new may be the disappearance of the “middle” as well as a growing inequality of political representation.)
The report I stumbled onto via NPR gave the following statistics (numbers may not be exact – please do your own checking!):
            The top 1% owns about 38% of the wealth.
            The bottom 60% owns about 2.3% of the wealth.
1 family owns more than the bottom 50%. (Walton Family $147 billion -2013)
                        (2nd - The Koch brothers  $100 billion)
            95% of new growth goes to the top 1%. 

The report (via NPR) was not only sharing statistics regarding the inequality of wealth distribution but the impact this inequality has on the political process and representation.  

I have to admit, I was beside myself with outrage when I turned off the radio.  And…I noticed my initial rage was directed at the “have’s” for “having”.  (Which is interesting because I'm not sure I really care about "having"...I think it's more about power.)  However, I could feel my blame was misdirected…that it didn’t match what I really believe regarding freedom, responsibility and claiming my power.  After all, who supported this imbalance?  Who allowed the political system to become so biased?  I (we) did…… 

Most of us live our lives on automatic pilot.  We follow our routines, make the same choices, do the same things as we follow some unconscious patterning that resides in our subconscious.  We don’t like things…in fact, we disagree with things much of the time…but we continue doing the same things anyway.  We rush, rush, rush…too tired to make choices to our liking…choices that might shift the path of our experience…but we’re just…too…tired.  And because we’ve been just…too…tired…(exhausted from resisting our own truth)…we have what we have today.  Luckily, we’ve awakened 

It seems essential that we begin to take responsibility for what’s happening.  The only way to shift “inequality” and bring about a sense of balance is to claim our own power.  (No one can give you power.)  We have to make conscious choices.  If we don’t like the way things are then we have to choose differently.  We have to support things which align with what we really know deep in the core of our being.   

When we support companies that don’t treat their employees “fairly”…companies which make billions of dollars in profit while paying their employees the least possible…we support the growing chasm in wealth distribution.  When we vote for representatives who are owned by the money that supports them…who are not “independent thinkers”...we support inequality.  When we don’t do our homework before we “vote” – as a consumer or as a citizen – we help support and maintain that which we probably complain about on a daily basis.  All of this is absolutely “ok”…but let’s make it a conscious choice…let’s know what we’re supporting…and own it. 

If we really want “something different” then we have to behave differently.  We have to claim our power which means taking responsibility for our choices.  In the end, it is We the People which have the final say.  We are not owned by a government or a small group of people.  We always have a choice where we place our “vote” and what we support.  The only way balance is reached and sustained is if each person claims their own power, consciously makes their choices and takes responsibility.  When each person follows their own inner “rightness”, a new system is created and a natural set of “checks and balances” is inherent.  We have reached a time when the “veil of ignorance” has been removed.  We no longer have excuses.
Much love,



Sunday, April 20, 2014

Free Jesus Now!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!  This is a day for real celebration because it’s the day of Christ’s ascension, reminding us that death is an illusion and life is eternal.  According to our cyclic traditions, Easter is the only day we allow Jesus to come down off the cross.  Tomorrow, he goes right back up….

Isn’t it interesting that we focus on the crucifixion and the suffering…over and over the cycle repeats itself…year after year.  It’s been 2000 years and Jesus never gets off the cross…there’s never one. last. time. 


So how about beginning a new cycle?  How about making Easter the starting point rather than the culmination before falling back to ground zero?  How about starting bare bones with the concepts Jesus exemplified…compassion, forgiveness, authenticity, acceptance, freedom, balance and love…and releasing the old ideas of mandated suffering and martyrdom which no longer serve humanity?

It seems to me, there’s a whole new life to which Jesus (and others) was pointing.  He wasn’t asking to be worshipped…he was role modeling the way.  He showed us our potential as well as how to create “something different”.  After 2000 years of mulling it over…it seems we might be ready to be on our way.  Let’s free Jesus from the cross…and celebrate Easter each and every day.

Happy Easter!

Much love,


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Snarky Alert! "Fitting In" to the Economy - or the World for that matter!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

(Warning:  This may sound a little snarky…but in reality I’m just passionate (and probably doing a little venting)!  I love you…I love me…and I love what our souls are “up to”!  I’m just impatient…. J )

This morning I’ve been pondering many things - (I had an extra-large Circle K cinnamon coffee with lots of french vanilla creamer and felt inspired!) – most having to do with the recognition of the disparity between the current world reality and the one I sense is possible.  There are so many “programmed” beliefs underlying our experience as a collective.  Yet these synthetic building blocks are almost in direct opposition to the life we would really like to experience.  Those in government think they are doing everyone a real favor in governmental and corporate job creation…creating jobs for people to fit into…allowing the economy to drive lives.  I guess on one-hand it’s the thought that counts but I desire a new reality where my gifts, talents and genius and the gifts, talents and genius of my fellow humans drive the economy – not the other way around.  I desire to live my own Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - not that devised by someone else.

Of course, the collective reality is created by those who are part of the collective.  As long as we continue to support synthetic systems which don’t align with the nature of who we are, we will continue to get more of the same.  As long as we don’t claim our opportunity…our freedom to choose…and pay attention to that which continuously calls us to happiness…we will continue the same experience.  We’re in charge of this creation as well as any transformation that is to unfold.

This brings me to education, children, test scores, etc.  (Public education is an example of government interference and heavy-handedness at its most harmful.  All those involved are held hostage by the system – at least until they decide differently.)  What right do we have to be party to the suppression and burial of someone’s “God-given” gifts, talents and genius?  By what universal law, do we have the right to stand in the way of divinely-implanted tools and dreams?  In the land of the free, why aren’t we teaching Life…Liberty…and the pursuit of Happiness?  Why aren’t we helping people to know who they really are…to claim who they are…to bring who they are into this world?  Why aren’t we cultivating these true gifts, talents and geniuses?  Don’t these real things make test scores and national core standards look small?      

I don’t think I’m alone in my desire for “something different” nor in the recognition of the ridiculousness of that which we seem forced to live.  Many of us feel the same and yet have no idea what to do about it.  From my point of view, it seems essential that each of us claims our vision and goes about being it.   If we want a more authentic system then we have to de-program ourselves and be authentic – not just at home where it’s safe and cozy but out in the world.  We have to support ourselves – and each other – in claiming our life.  We have to uncover and cultivate the gifts and talents kept safe in the core of who we are…and support others in doing the same.  The world reality shifts one courageous individual at a time.  If we really want something different then we must harness our courage, claim who we are and walk forward creating anew as we go.  This is the way to lasting happiness…and this is the way to the world of our dreams.

Much love,


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Chasing Blame

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Well, it’s the dreaded April 15th…the day taxes are due.  I just watched a video created by a well-known reform activist regarding the unfairness of the current system.  (I’m not sure too many would disagree with the fact that our tax system has some major issues.)  The video was focused on the point that the system favors the “super-rich” and that we need to ban together and go after the infamous “one-percent”.  Evidently, they’re to blame.  I thought it was the system…. 

There are so many causes these days focused on blaming and going after another group of Americans or those desiring to be Americans.  Besides the “one-percent”, we’ve also labeled welfare recipients as the scourge of society…and of course, there’s those pesky people crossing the border without documentation – people who have a dream and desire to be part of a nation where pursuing your dream is a part of the founding principles. 

We’ve pitted welfare recipients, immigrants without documentation and even people desiring healthcare…against military veterans and other groups we’ve judged as more deserving.  We’ve labeled, scorned, judged and negated other humans...like our unhappiness is their fault.  When in reality, a system has become outdated….a system needs to change.

Part of what needs to change is our way of thinking.  We don’t have to destroy other people just to “win” and have things our way.  It doesn’t have to be an “either/or”.  There’s no reason we can’t create from a “both/and”.  There’s nothing keeping us from creating solutions, structures and systems which support the whole…that support freedomco-creativitybalancerespect…and independence.  But it takes each of us shifting our own mindset from the old “warring” mentality to one which comes from and supports co-creativity, respect and love; that sees the problem and looks for solutions rather than blame.

As a collective, it’s evident we’re looking for “something different”…that we don’t like things the way they are…and on this, we can most likely agree.  Yet part of “something different” has to include how we look at each other , speak to each other and treat each other.  We can’t create “something different” using the same old, unconscious, divisive tactics.  I’m ready to be “something different”…what about you?

Much love,


Friday, April 11, 2014

Claiming God, Vision & Me

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The last several days, I have really been feeling the power of claiming my vision.   Vision can mean many things and in this case, it pertains to my beliefs, values, desires and dreams.  Let me just say right up front that I don’t propose or pretend that my vision is any more valid than another…but it certainly isn’t any less – and this is the insight that’s important. 

This movement to claim my vision seems to be permeating many areas of my consciousness.  In fact, it’s propelling me to re-claim some things as well.  For instance…

God….Since I was very young I always had a very close relationship with God.  However, due to the beliefs of many a mainstream religion, I got to the point that I didn’t even want to hear the word God…or Christian for that matter.  I would cringe when I heard either word.  (Sad when you think about it.)  However, I was able to keep my relationship with the One and Only by re-naming God as the much more expansive, non-judgmental, unconditionally loving, Consciousness.  It was just in the last year that I realized that I had the right to my God.  No one holds the market on the One and Only.  Now, I use the words Consciousness and God almost interchangeably.  I have re-claimed God and that feels really good.  Claiming my beliefs has also helped me accept the rights of others to their beliefs.  This is part of freedom of conscience as Thomas Jefferson might say.

Vision…. In the same way that I have re-claimed God, I have come to the realization that I can re-claim my vision.  This is really about recognizing that there’s nothing wrong with my vision – just as there was nothing wrong with my understanding of God.  I don’t have to support or buy-in to that with which I don’t agree.  I don’t have to go to battle against it.  I have the right to my own vision.  I just need to take responsibility for it and go about being it.  Right now, I am claiming… my vision…my perspective…my voice…my sense of equality…my love…my freedom…and my opportunity!  (This is so empowering!)

Me….I am taking this opportunity to claim me as well.  I like me.  In fact, I love me.  I am perfectly me.  There is no other me.  I am the one and only me.  I am happy being me.  J

Claiming the right to my vision – and all that includes – seems to be part of the process on the way to living from wholeness.  Making the commitment to acknowledge my vision…be my vision…stand in my vision…and feel my vision…seems like a powerful step in the transformation of my experience and my reality. 

 Much love,


Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Right to Something Different

Sunday, April 6, 2014

I have really felt some anger coming up as of late.  It’s that type of anger that comes from somewhere deep inside, origins unknown, and therefore difficult to remedy.  I have a sense that this “rage” has been simmering for a while…hidden beneath layers of unconsciousness…habitual suppression blended into ignorance.  However, this anger has risen and found its way into my awareness…from a place where dreams are hidden, seemingly put on eternal hold…yet not forgotten.

I finally got it as I was intimating in a conversation the differences between my values for my life’s experience and those values which rule the world’s expectations, assumptions and structures; the values that herd humanity in directions with which we may not be in agreement but unconsciously support and maintain.  I heard myself say “I have the right to my reality!”  I don’t want to support or be governed by systems based in greed, imbalance or promoting the exhaustion of oneself just to “survive”.  I don’t want to buy into a societal false façade that perpetuates inequality and holds “money” as its highest value.  I don’t want to be a part of an economic system which decides and drives my career choice.  In some ways, I feel the majority of humanity is held hostage by systems and structures which no longer benefit the whole.  I don’t want to be governed by these types of structures anymore.

I don’t think I consciously realized what a “downer” these systems, structures and expectations have become for me.  There’s a whole new world on the horizon and much of what I just shared is not a part of it.  I see a reality where the highest value is love…where freedom and equality aren’t just words but ideals we aspire to and live with the greatest of integrity…where the gifts, talents and genius of the people drive the economy (which is therefore always expanding)…where systems promote self-actualization and authenticity as well as unity…where balance is inherent as people are driven by their heart and inner guidance…where each individual is acknowledged and valued just for his/her existence…and where we come together as an orchestra, each playing our unique part while uniting in one divine melody…

For some reason, it seems important that I acknowledge the fact that I have the right to my reality.  I don’t have to buy into and support a reality with which I no longer agree.  In fact, I don’t like the way it feels when I support something I can’t really stand.  Therefore, I’m claiming the right to something different…planting a homesteading stake somewhere in my dreams…clearing conflicting beliefs…and allowing the manifestation process to do its thing!  Girl, do I feel better! 

Much love,
