Friday, August 3, 2012

GoTI Moving Forward!

Friday, August 3, 2012
Amidst some cycling “snarkiness,” I am pondering the GoTI (Group of Tremendous Influence).  The idea of forming another “party” isn’t appealing at this time.  (Did you know there are over 50 registered political parties?)  I seem to be more interested in a “philosophy” aligned with the principles mentioned in the previous post: 
·        Equal Rights
·        Individual Freedom
·        Independence
·        Truth above tradition, party, religion or culture.
·        Fiscal Responsibility, and
·        Less Government.
One person who commented on the last post said, “Who could not support those ideals….we just need a party that will embrace them.”  Wouldn’t that be nice?!  It occurs to me that each of us may be registered as a particular party supporter but how many of us take the time to engage this party with what we really want?  There obviously are people and organizations which do interact and lobby but it seems the rest of us sit back and vote for a party regardless of what their “planks” have become – and many times because we just plain refuse to vote for the other party.  (I don’t like admitting it, but I have become one of these!) 
There are a few initiatory ideas coming to mind that I hope they will evolve (with your input) as we get going. 
1)     Write, call, fax, e-mail, etc (social media?) those running for election with the principles you expect to be supported by the person you choose to vote for.
2)    Write, call, fax those, e-mail, etc. (social media?) those running for office with questions such as: “Are you willing to vote for what you know to be right rather than following party line?” or “Are you willing to go beyond your party in order to truly listen and co-create solutions that really should be non-partisan?”
3)    Begin to integrate the same principles we desire in a political party or representative into our own lives.
4)    Begin to step above “party lines” – political or otherwise – in order to look for solutions aligned with the principles outlined above.
5)     Be willing to consider candidates from either party who support these principles. 
6)    Tell candidates why you are voting for them – which things you support and which things you do not.
I know some of us have issues that carry a great more deal of weight than others.  Some of us are educators….some of us have same-sex partners….some of us like our guns….some of us want healthcare for all….and some of us are opposed to some of these issues while supporting others.  However, it doesn’t seem we are going to get anything different than what we have if we don’t change the characters we have to work with or start effectively communicating with them in order to align their focus with what we want.  Therefore, it seems we have to start uncovering – one-by-one- those who align with the principles we truly desire.  The party system just doesn’t work anymore.  We need people personally dedicated to supporting the principles this nation was founded upon – issue by issue – beyond a party line.
Enough for today….your thoughts?
Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Karrie; I'm all for your list and the traits that it delineates. I would add two features. First, Personal Responsibility, and second, Transparency. Thanks for your writings and your continued exploration of important topics. The world is a better place for your effort. Truth!
