Friday, August 31, 2012
Today, I find myself looking for peace again.... I find politics to be incredible agitating. The polarization is divisive - and it's no wonder when you compare the major party platforms. A few days ago, I found a platform I could pretty much support (with a few minor tweaks) - the Libertarians. Last night, I listened to the Libertarian Presidential nominee - Gary Johnson (former Governor of New Mexico) - and was really impressed. He seemed to speak authentically, with integrity and from experience.
I found an on-line quiz ( measuring "which candidate you align with" on various issues. Five presidential candidates are listed - Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Ron Paul, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Surprisingly - or not - I aligned 88% of the time with Gary Johnson. (Barack Obama was 4th and Mitt Romney, 5th.) By the responses of those who have taken the quiz, I think it's safe to say that many people were surprised who they really align with. Many times we aren't open minded enough to check out the facts and make an informed decision which aligns with what we really believe.
Truthfully, I haven't decided how I'm voting yet. It feels like "wasting" my vote if I choose to go for a 3rd party. However, I'm coming to the point where I'm no longer willing to "settle" by not fully supporting my own alignment. The Libertarians capture the best of both the major parties - full support of individual liberty AND less government. They may be the group that can not only bridge but balance the shadows of the Republican and Democratic parties by bringing a "majority" to votes regarding inividual liberty AND cleaning up government.
I'm tired of being angry. I'm tired of voting defensively. I'm ready to support candidates that truly align with the values I treasure most - equality, independence and unalienable rights. Check out the Libertarians and their platform. Listen to Gary Johnson speak. Perhaps it's time to send a message to the major parties that we're tired of politics and campaigns per usual. Neither of the major parties is blameless for the state of our union - and neither party has all the answers for moving forward. Until we/they understand this and put their "weapons" down, there can be no solution.
In love of liberty,
Much love,
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Republicans are coming! The Republicans are coming!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
A couple of weeks ago when I was in Iowa (where I grew up), my mother shared with me a 3-page paper my grandmother had written entitled “Social Psychology.” Basically, it was a brief history of her side of the family. What a treasure! As I read her words, I clearly saw “me” – and I smiled.
The first paragraph reads,
“History is filled with material taken from revolts against authoritarianism – and among the participants were all my ancestors. Those of Scotch, Irish and English extraction came to America before the Revolution to escape George III who attempted to reign absolute over both church and state. My Amish ancestors fled persecution in Switzerland and Germany arriving in America during the early 1700’s. “
When I read this introduction to my own heritage, I immediately become aware of my roots as a patriot and advocate for freedom.
Anyone who has read the Declaration of Independence and felt the deep sense of honor, integrity and the incredible resolve of the Founders in regard to Equality…. Life….Liberty….the pursuit of Happiness….and Independence….cannot help but take a stand - as those who came before us once did - on behalf of these unalienable rights and values. They put their lives, fortunes and property on the line. We only need to share our heartfelt passion and love for freedom through civic participation and educating others through our voices in order to assist in raising the consciousness of Americans.
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were big advocates for educating the masses. Why? Because they believed citizens needed to be able to make informed decisions and perhaps more importantly, know when their freedom was threatened. This brings me to the Republican’s platform for 2012….and Paul Revere.
I sense that Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin and many others may very well have climbed on their own horses, joining Paul Revere in warning citizens of the attack on their freedom had they seen the Republican’s platform. (I’m waiting to see the Democrat’s platform as many feel they have attacked freedom in regard to businesses and taxation.) I also imagine that those who came before us might be hanging the Republican’s proposals on posts and poles all over town in order to inform the populace.
I find it interesting that the Republicans don’t seem to speak outright to their social agenda which is a blaring part of their 2012 platform. Why is that? Why aren’t we hearing about abortion, gay marriage, one national language, the arctic, public education, abstinence, etc? Instead, they speak between the lines in language only their fellow party members will understand. For instance, Ann Romney spoke about the loving relationship between she and her husband concluding with the self-proclaimed fact that she and Mitt had a REAL MARRIAGE. What do you suppose that means? She also spoke well for women who have chosen to stay at home with their children (which is their choice) with the underlying message that women are meant to sacrifice for their families – that’s “just what we do.” Sounds good doesn’t it? Most women can relate to sacrificing – however, this is 2012 and the United States of America. If one truly understands equality and unalienable rights, one recognizes that women have the right to choose their lives; they are no longer held hostage by the belief that “women are meant to sacrifice.” I respect Ann Romney and her choices. And as an American, I expect the same respect for my choices from her.
Let me say, I sense the Republicans have some fiscal and economic proposals that deserve listening and perhaps implementing….however, it is the non-fiscal/economic proposals that should have every patriot saddling their horse! The following are the proposals I find most alarming in the Republican’s platform for 2012…(my comments are in parentheses – couldn’t help myself.)…
· Make English the national language. (I wonder what their immigrant parents – many who refused to learn English – might have thought?)
· Opposes use of public funds to organizations which perform or advocate abortion and to health care which includes abortion coverage.
· Replacing family planning programs with abstinence education, teaching abstinence as the only responsible choice.
· Opposes gay marriage. Proposes a constitutional amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman.
· Supports consumer choice and local innovation such as single-sex classes in education. (I’m not going to use the term public education because I’m not sure they support it.)
· Regarding the military – restores as a principal objective, deterrence using the full spectrum of our military capabilities. (Unfortunately, I’m seeing Genghis Kahn-like tactics – needs some explanation.)
· Regarding energy - backs the exploration and development of the Outer Continental Shelf and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Many of the personal choices they are attempting to force upon everyone are choices they themselves can choose without legislation. The fact that they desire to legislate the lives of others is really anti-liberty at least to my understanding of Liberty via the Declaration of Independence. The Republican platform is a perfect example of not understanding unalienable rights and the sacredness of living in a free nation. They are entitled to their beliefs and opinions (Thank you Founders!) but making these personal beliefs the standard for everyone is a violation of the very foundation this nation was founded upon.
In passionate support of the unalienable!
Much love,
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Calling on Paul Revere!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Lately, I have found myself in a growing conundrum – who do I support this election? As I do more research, I find myself more in alignment with (don’t fall out of your chair) the Republicans fiscally and economically. However, I don’t align with them at all regarding their views on education, health care or their blatant denial of personal freedom. I sense the Republicans may have a better shot at turning the economy/budget deficit around while the Democrats are most likely to defend and support personal freedom. Both are imperative to maintaining the foundation of the United States of America.
I can’t vote for the Republicans because that would be betraying everything I believe in regards to the Declaration of Independence. In essence I would be betraying myself - and many others. (The Republican platform had me looking out the window for Paul Revere! They are almost “dark ages” when it comes to social issues, education and Mother Earth.) I can vote Democrat but I don’t necessarily have the confidence that they have the answers economically or to balance the budget. The Democrats have a co-dependence problem and I believe in independence. So……I decided to see what else is in the offering….
It only took 10 seconds to find a party platform I can support – the Libertarians! Woohoo! The first sentence of the preamble to the Libertarian platform and principles is: (platform can be found at
As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.
I can support the Libertarian view on education, abortion, personal relationships, the environment and economics. They would do away with the Department of Education and give control back to the teachers and parents who know the children best. They support an individual’s right to choose as well as taking responsibility for the consequences. They believe people have the right to live their life the way they desire without governmental interference. They believe in free market trading and sensible use of our natural resources. Anyway…you get the idea. There is so much more – and every bit of it is in support of liberty.
I can’t tell you how excited I am to find a party I am “for.” This gives me something to support rather than voting defensively.
To sum it up…I am a patriot. I believe in equality, independence and the unalienable rights. I’m not interested in voting out of fear – I am interested in voting in alignment with what I’m for. The Libertarians are the 3rd largest party – but there isn’t any reason they can’t replace one or both of the other two. Perhaps it isn’t realistic for this election cycle but it is most certainly a possibility for the next.
I am learning how to make informed decisions in regard to the direction this country is headed. I play a part – just as you do. I suggest each of us reads the “platform” for each party and makes a decision as to which best represents us. I’m tired of politicians placing loyalty to their party over loyalty to the principles of equality, independence and liberty. These are the principles the Founders fought to secure - as well as creating a governmental structure to defend. In the very least, the Libertarians may be my answer over the next 4 years to “a Group of Tremendous Influence.” I sense I’ve found a home for my passion….and that in itself brings a sigh of relief.
A Patriot at heart!
Much love,
Friday, August 24, 2012
I may be a moron BUT...
Friday, August 24, 2012
Well, I have been in deep thought and emotional processing since yesterday afternoon. I happened to be passing through the living room when I heard Rush Limbaugh say he thought the country could survive another 4 years of Obama. However, it couldn’t survive the majority of “morons” who voted for him. Now…I have to admit, I find Mr. Limbaugh offensive, divisive and unconscious – BUT he does play his part well, doesn’t he? If we didn’t have such outrageous irritants, many of us probably wouldn’t have the emotional charge to find our voice and take a stand. The challenge comes in taking that stand in a conscious and balanced manner. (I’m not sure I’ve accomplished this yet!)
Back to the comment made by Mr. Limbaugh….upon hearing his “opinion,” I burst into tears! (I was ready to have a t-shirt made that had Obama 2012 on one side and “Proud to be conscious!” on the other!) I had to ask myself, “Why the reaction?” I realized that upon hearing the comment, I immediately went to what I think of those who choose to vote Republican. For me, to vote Republican means support for bigotry and inequality. It means social unconsciousness and a lack of understanding for unalienable rights. As a woman and lesbian, I take this personally. It hurts. What came up for me is the betrayal I felt when my father invited the minister of their church (who teaches children not to talk to gays or lesbians because God will not like them if they do) to a family gathering. Though I acknowledge my father’s right to invite who he wants (and I adore my father), I felt the deepest pain of betrayal one could ever feel. When it comes to family members and friends who choose to vote Republican – I feel the same betrayal. And that is why I burst into tears.
This being said, I respect each person’s right to vote how they see fit – I really do. I respect the fact that each of us has our own priorities. However, I have a hard time respecting those who have their unalienable rights intact - and without question - while allowing the denial of these rights to others. I will love them and “I understand” but I find it totally unacceptable – which is why I will continue to speak out.
Quite frankly, I don’t believe that most “social issues” belong in the government. Most of these types of issues are protected under unalienable rights – which the government is meant to protect. Marriage has no place in government. And things like abortion – though I understand the argument – are an individual’s choice (between the person and “God). How a person chooses to live their life is their right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. I have a hard time understanding those who are “right to life” but support “war” and unrestricted gun access. Give me a break.
Anyway, I hope you will forgive me for my pointed venting and I hope down the road as I continue to process my own beliefs and perspectives, I will be able to get to the point where I speak about the good each party can bring to the country. Each has their shadow and each has something to offer. However, I sense that before we(I) can get there, each of us may have some flushing to do. There is a lot of pain in this country coming from unspoken feelings and destructive unconsciousness. Politics and God are a couple of topics we’re warned not to talk about….and we all know why! However, I sense these are the very things we must talk about in order to heal and move forward…together.
Much love,
Thursday, August 23, 2012
A Common Focus for Unity
Thursday, August 23, 2012
I have been pondering many a thing this morning….unalienable rights education, independence….and how outspoken I seem to have become! At some level in my being, it is really uncomfortable to discuss politics – especially out loud! It can be scary to share my opinions and process yet I get the idea I’m not alone in my frustration. Part of me would like to go back into my “shell” and ignore the whole thing but I have come to recognize that it is through this process of “discussion” that clarity is birthed and direction is made clear. How else can we create something more in alignment with who we are and what we desire?
I’ve written before about the disappearance of the “middle.” Politically, we seem to have a crisis-level case of polarization. However, I’m confident that as more people – especially women – speak up and take an active part in moving the discussions to new and more conscious levels that we indeed will create systemic change of the incredible and brilliant kind.
I sense it is probably clear where my heart lies as far as priorities for a new, updated version of “America.” Life…Liberty….the pursuit of Happiness…. Equality…and Independence have become not only my mantras of sorts but spiritual values which I hold above all others. I don’t believe I’m out of line when I say that “I am not alone.” For me, these characteristics of God-Consciousness-Source are the essentials of a unifying focus which can bring us back to “center” and the recognition that we all come from the same team. There is only One….and each of us as a unique expression of that One has an irrevocable membership.
For me, it seems important that we personally take the opportunity and make a commitment to understand these “cannot-be-separated-from” characteristics. What is the meaning of Life….Liberty….the pursuit of Happiness? What does it feel like to be independent? What is the essence of equality – and how does all this relate to God?
These are the questions that not only need but deserve pondering. It is through the understanding of these unalienable rights that a connection to unity becomes possible - unity within an individual, a family, organization, country, the world community including “politically.” In my opinion, it is a lack of understanding that keeps us in “battle” continually attempting to prove ourselves “right” – and someone else “wrong.” When we understand and live from these unalienable rights, there no longer exists a reason for battle – unless there arises an attempt to deny these rights to an individual or collective. When we can come from an understanding of these most basic rights, debate becomes an opportunity to co-create and opinion a non-threatening mechanism to learn more about each other and ourselves.
With these thoughts in mind, I will continue to relish my own experiences leading to an ever-deepening understanding of these unalienable characteristics. And I choose to maintain and hold-fast the vision of unity for each and every one of us.
Much love,
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Voting Consciously!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
I have attempted to put aside my bias for one particular political party. I really desire to support those candidates who represent my beliefs regarding equality and unalienable rights. In fact, I believe I have found a way to determine who these candidates are by taking into account their voting records as well as the policies they support. However, it becomes difficult to ignore a candidate’s party when the party itself provides safe harbor to a group of radically conservative social fanatics who don’t appear to understand liberty or the unalienable rights in general.
I don’t care if they choose not to have an abortion following rape, incest or even a moment of heated passion. It’s fine with me if they deny their sexuality as a gay or lesbian. However, it’s NOT fine with me for them to dictate my decisions or govern my life. I have listened to bigoted statements (regarding immigrants, second language students and gays and lesbians) of tea partiers during one of their rallies. And though it may not be true of all tea partiers, I didn’t see any of them stepping up to stop it. And so goes it with the Republican Party.
Mitt Romney reversed his “beliefs” in order to run for president and appease the conservative right. It’s hard to respect that. Paul Ryan is a social conservative. The more you follow his voting record and ideas, the scarier he gets. Then you have Sarah Palin and her husband standing in front of Chick-Fil-A with their bag of chicken sandwiches (supporting the company’s anti-gay sentiments) and Todd Akin (candidate for the US Senate) voicing his outrageously ignorant beliefs regarding “legitimate rape” and pregnancy (Are you kidding me?). Do I need to go on?
I understand the concept of unalienable rights and therefore I will respect the right of others to voice their opinion and live their life as they desire. All I ask is for the same understanding. In fact, I not only ask for respect of my unalienable rights – but I demand it. The economy, budget, Medicare, Social Security and deficit are huge issues that must be dealt with BUT the unalienable rights – including equality and freedom – are the basis of the Declaration of Independence and the founding of this nation. White, black, purple, pink, male, female, gay, non-gay MUST pull together around a common demand, expectation and focus in support and promotion of these unalienable rights. There is a difference between a right to an opinion and allowing that opinion to become legislation or law denying the very rights this nation was founded upon.
I suggest that each of us take the time to review the “platforms, planks and two-by-fours” of each party – especially after their respective conventions - and vote consciously. I’m sure it’s obvious which way I’m leaning but if someone can find me a Republican candidate that supports the unalienable rights of each and every person I will honestly consider them.
Passionately in Support of Unalienable Rights!
Much love,
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The Data Monster
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
This morning I am pondering “data.” There seems to be such an enormous emphasis placed on the importance of data. Organizations, institutions, individuals can’t seem to make a decision if the data doesn’t show that it has a good chance of being successful. My question is, why do we need statistical or scientific data to prove something we already know to be true in our heart? The obsessive need for data in order to make a decision or to make program choices is almost archaic when we understand the incredible on-the-spot-in-the-moment guidance system we each have within us. Our dependency on data isn’t just training wheels on a child’s first bike – it’s become the full blown tires on our state of the art 3-wheeler adult-sized trikes!
There isn’t anything wrong with getting the numbers and comparing statistics. It’s great that science is finally beginning to prove through quantum physics the truth of “metaphysical type” knowings that many have professed for eons. However, the truth about science is that it will always be attempting to catch up with Truth. Science attempts to prove or discover what already is – what we already know to be true if we take the time to listen and trust.
When we understand and trust what we already know to be true, we can pick up the pace in our creativity. In fact, we can become creative again. We can bring forth the genius that lies dormant within us. We can re-connect with our own internal guidance which is a heck-of-a-lot faster and incredibly more accurate. It can take us to places data won’t even be able to show exist for 100 more years – if then. We can re-claim our independence and become the creative force each of us is meant to be.
Quite frankly, I really don’t care about data. As far as I can tell, it keeps me trapped in whatever someone else says is important. I have come to a place where I trust that which I have been gifted with upon birth more than I do the “trappings” of the false façade. I believe in miracles and the creative spirit, and I have witnessed awesome and beyond impressive creations by those who didn’t wait for or depend on the statistics. The human spirit and its innate guidance system are far ahead and incredibly more powerful than statistics or data will ever show. Each of us knows this. We only have to believe it.
Much love (no data needed!),
Friday, August 17, 2012
Undoing the Battle
Friday, August 17, 2012
For the last week or so, I've been contemplating "battle." There are many times when the words or actions of a group, organization or an individual can flip an internal switch and immediately I'm ready to go "toe to toe" with them. I can feel such anger and angst over a comment or a philosophical stance that opposes my own. I don't like feeling such strong emotions - especially if one of my characters gets the jump on "me" and shares its "two cents" before I've had the opportunity to "filter" it!
I finally decided to take a look at what existed beneath these passionate emotions. Why did certain comments or "stances" really tick me off? Why do I feel threatened? It had been suggested to me that an external battle is really a mirror of a battle within myself. What was I arguing about inside? At one point, I realized that the inner battle I was experiencing was between Trust and Doubt. For the most part, I can honestly say I trust my inner guidance and what I feel/sense to be true, however, the recognition of this little tug-o-war within me awakened me to the fact that there were still parts of me that had doubt. Why? Because many times there is no material world/physical sight confirmation that what I'm doing is the "right" thing. In fact, a great deal of the time the feedback from the outside appears to oppose what I'm doing or there is absolute silence - which I don't take as supportive. Therefore, doubt is birthed.
Going a little deeper, I realized how much I have depended on "direction" from the world around me. I recognized that when I don't receive external confirmation I immediately begin to "second guess" or may even become defensive and angry. Without the recognition of "rightness," I assume I am being told I'm "wrong." The internal battle that ensues seems to be between "what I feel/sense to be true" and what my physical sight and senses are experiencing. I doubt "what I know to be true" because I don't see others doing or hear them saying the same as I am doing and saying. In other words, I'm not seeing evidence that what I'm doing or feeling is "right."
This is an important realization on my journey toward true independence and completeness. I believe that each of us is really complete. We have our own gifts, talents, feelings, thoughts, experiences...and guidance system. We intuitively know what's right and what isn't right - for us. And this is the key. We intuitively know what's right and what isn't right - for us. We are independent beings capable of unique and incredible things. We battle others outside ourselves in order to prove ourselves "right." Others do the same thing. We just need to know that "right" for each and every one of us is unique. The only question we really need to be able to answer is, "Is this right for me?" We can't choose or determine what is "right" for someone else.
As I worked through this, I realized that as a complete and independent being I don't need to "go to the mats" to prove myself "right." I don't need to get angry. I don't need to get everyone else to go along with me. I don't have to battle the world's systems for change. I only need to understand within myself that I am "right" - and so is everyone else. This is the essence of understanding and living from unalienable rights. In this understanding, I can find peace.
Much love,
For the last week or so, I've been contemplating "battle." There are many times when the words or actions of a group, organization or an individual can flip an internal switch and immediately I'm ready to go "toe to toe" with them. I can feel such anger and angst over a comment or a philosophical stance that opposes my own. I don't like feeling such strong emotions - especially if one of my characters gets the jump on "me" and shares its "two cents" before I've had the opportunity to "filter" it!
I finally decided to take a look at what existed beneath these passionate emotions. Why did certain comments or "stances" really tick me off? Why do I feel threatened? It had been suggested to me that an external battle is really a mirror of a battle within myself. What was I arguing about inside? At one point, I realized that the inner battle I was experiencing was between Trust and Doubt. For the most part, I can honestly say I trust my inner guidance and what I feel/sense to be true, however, the recognition of this little tug-o-war within me awakened me to the fact that there were still parts of me that had doubt. Why? Because many times there is no material world/physical sight confirmation that what I'm doing is the "right" thing. In fact, a great deal of the time the feedback from the outside appears to oppose what I'm doing or there is absolute silence - which I don't take as supportive. Therefore, doubt is birthed.
Going a little deeper, I realized how much I have depended on "direction" from the world around me. I recognized that when I don't receive external confirmation I immediately begin to "second guess" or may even become defensive and angry. Without the recognition of "rightness," I assume I am being told I'm "wrong." The internal battle that ensues seems to be between "what I feel/sense to be true" and what my physical sight and senses are experiencing. I doubt "what I know to be true" because I don't see others doing or hear them saying the same as I am doing and saying. In other words, I'm not seeing evidence that what I'm doing or feeling is "right."
This is an important realization on my journey toward true independence and completeness. I believe that each of us is really complete. We have our own gifts, talents, feelings, thoughts, experiences...and guidance system. We intuitively know what's right and what isn't right - for us. And this is the key. We intuitively know what's right and what isn't right - for us. We are independent beings capable of unique and incredible things. We battle others outside ourselves in order to prove ourselves "right." Others do the same thing. We just need to know that "right" for each and every one of us is unique. The only question we really need to be able to answer is, "Is this right for me?" We can't choose or determine what is "right" for someone else.
As I worked through this, I realized that as a complete and independent being I don't need to "go to the mats" to prove myself "right." I don't need to get angry. I don't need to get everyone else to go along with me. I don't have to battle the world's systems for change. I only need to understand within myself that I am "right" - and so is everyone else. This is the essence of understanding and living from unalienable rights. In this understanding, I can find peace.
Much love,
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
A Crucial Vote Casting Measuring Stick!
August 15, 2012
This morning I am pondering politics again….I was attempting to ignore the whole thing (I find it incredibly irritating) but I found myself curious about Paul Ryan – Romney’s chosen running mate. From the one sound bite I heard, he sounds good….but for me, the pivotal decision-making issue underlying who I will support in November is gay marriage. Why? Because I have only one measuring stick for any representative of this great nation and it comes from the Declaration of Independence:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Whether or not someone agrees with gay relationships/marriage or not doesn’t really matter. It is the premise that each of us has the right to live our lives the way we see fit….in Liberty and in pursuing our own Happiness that is the issue. Unalienable rights do not only belong to those with whom we agree but to those whom we don’t agree with as well. This is the foundation on which our founders rallied in 1776.
Obama has come out (no pun intended) in support of gay marriage. When the president of the United States of America takes a stand on such a controversial issue, he has my respect – as long as he follows through. Taking a stand for same-sex marriage is taking a stand for Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. It is putting the unalienable rights above the standardization of opinion and dogma.
On the other hand, where do Romney and Paul Ryan stand? Back in the 1990’s, Romney supported making it illegal for employers to discriminate based on sexual orientation. In 2006 he reversed his position. Romney has also signed a pledge opposing same-sex marriage. In 2007, Ryan voted in favor of the Employment Nondiscrimination Act. However, Ryan supports the Defense of Marriage Act, voted for the Marriage Protection Act, voted against repealing the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy and voted against expanding the country’s hate crime legislation to protect gay people.
I cannot vote for a candidate that is “wishy-washy” in their support of the unalienable rights. Honor, integrity and a fundamental understanding of the principles this nation was founded upon are integral in protecting the unalienable rights for each and every one of us. The minute Ryan and Romney make it clear they understand this crucial measuring stick, they are back in the mix for my consideration. This is the number one deciding factor for me.
In love of Liberty….
Much love,
Monday, August 13, 2012
Down Tiger! Ending the Battle
Monday, August 13, 2012
Today, I conclude my trip to my home town in Iowa. This past weekend was the 100th plus National Hobo Convention, a treasured tradition to those who live - and have lived - in Britt, Iowa. This is the time year when many a graduated class has their reunion. My reason for coming back to Iowa was another type of reunion and celebration - the honoring of my former high school basketball coach as well as the game of 6-on-6 basketball. (Yes, I said 6-on-6.) This was the game I grew up with and will always "hold near and dear." Six-on-six is a fast-paced, split court game of 3-on-3 where everyone is limited to 2 dribbles during each individual possession. A team consists of 3 defensive players and 3 offensive players. It's an awesome game which came to its conclusion in 1993. Girls basketball (as well as other girls' sports) has always been a "big deal" in Iowa, drawing more people to the state tournament than the boys (at least back in the 6-on-6 days). The reunion of the coaches and classes from 1971 to 1993 was incredible. It was one enormous family reunion - and I mean family - one big 22-year-expansive team! It seemed like only yesterday... The foundation built through our experiences is almost unshakable - meaning that even after 30 plus years of not seeing other participant, one can reconnect to that "bond" immediately. An amazing experience that I will treasure always.
It was interesting chatting with a few of my relatives in Iowa regarding politics. I'm not sure how the men feel exactly but as for the women, there is a reoccurring call for "bi-partisanship" or even "non-partisanship." No matter the current registered party, the women in my family are tired of putting party ahead of what's "right" and not working together to get things done. I'm starting to believe this really is a common desire among Americans - especially women.
Last week, I had the pleasure of having a "reading" with a woman in Mt. Shasta ( She has always been incredibly accurate and the information I received, transformative. The theme of the reading was "ending the battle." I had to take some time to ponder this notion and what it meant. On one level, it means the obvious - stop the fighting (inside and outside). We don't have to do battle to transform the system. We each only need to end the battle within us and begin retraining ourselves to converse, focus and step toward that which we desire. This means supporting that which we desire and lessening our support for that which we have outgrown. Instead of arguing about why our viewpoint is right and the other wrong, we can co-create solutions by stepping away from our opinion, listening to each other and looking for new and innovative answers. As long as we are stuck in a right and a wrong, there are no solutions.
For me, this idea of "ending the battle" also meant becoming aware of the character(s) inside me that felt it was responsible for changing the system single-handedly. This particular character rides a white horse and carries a very big sword! It desires to eliminate those who can't seem to "get their rears in gear" (according to its standards) - an enormous job indeed! This brings me back to the recognition of my own "battle within".... and the truth that I am only responsible for my own creation - and for that, I don't need to do battle. A great awareness - I give thanks to Ray Dawn in Mt. Shasta.
Today, I am feeling more at peace - and excited more than passionate. I've combined my weekend stroll down memory lane with the invaluable information I received from trusted friends. I'm thinking in terms of "team," co-creation and the love of a challenge rather than "vigilante," battle and a never-ending and out-grown "job." I'm looking forward to changing the dialogue within - and without - while witnessing the birth of new creations.
From the Great State of Iowa...
Much love,
Today, I conclude my trip to my home town in Iowa. This past weekend was the 100th plus National Hobo Convention, a treasured tradition to those who live - and have lived - in Britt, Iowa. This is the time year when many a graduated class has their reunion. My reason for coming back to Iowa was another type of reunion and celebration - the honoring of my former high school basketball coach as well as the game of 6-on-6 basketball. (Yes, I said 6-on-6.) This was the game I grew up with and will always "hold near and dear." Six-on-six is a fast-paced, split court game of 3-on-3 where everyone is limited to 2 dribbles during each individual possession. A team consists of 3 defensive players and 3 offensive players. It's an awesome game which came to its conclusion in 1993. Girls basketball (as well as other girls' sports) has always been a "big deal" in Iowa, drawing more people to the state tournament than the boys (at least back in the 6-on-6 days). The reunion of the coaches and classes from 1971 to 1993 was incredible. It was one enormous family reunion - and I mean family - one big 22-year-expansive team! It seemed like only yesterday... The foundation built through our experiences is almost unshakable - meaning that even after 30 plus years of not seeing other participant, one can reconnect to that "bond" immediately. An amazing experience that I will treasure always.
It was interesting chatting with a few of my relatives in Iowa regarding politics. I'm not sure how the men feel exactly but as for the women, there is a reoccurring call for "bi-partisanship" or even "non-partisanship." No matter the current registered party, the women in my family are tired of putting party ahead of what's "right" and not working together to get things done. I'm starting to believe this really is a common desire among Americans - especially women.
Last week, I had the pleasure of having a "reading" with a woman in Mt. Shasta ( She has always been incredibly accurate and the information I received, transformative. The theme of the reading was "ending the battle." I had to take some time to ponder this notion and what it meant. On one level, it means the obvious - stop the fighting (inside and outside). We don't have to do battle to transform the system. We each only need to end the battle within us and begin retraining ourselves to converse, focus and step toward that which we desire. This means supporting that which we desire and lessening our support for that which we have outgrown. Instead of arguing about why our viewpoint is right and the other wrong, we can co-create solutions by stepping away from our opinion, listening to each other and looking for new and innovative answers. As long as we are stuck in a right and a wrong, there are no solutions.
For me, this idea of "ending the battle" also meant becoming aware of the character(s) inside me that felt it was responsible for changing the system single-handedly. This particular character rides a white horse and carries a very big sword! It desires to eliminate those who can't seem to "get their rears in gear" (according to its standards) - an enormous job indeed! This brings me back to the recognition of my own "battle within".... and the truth that I am only responsible for my own creation - and for that, I don't need to do battle. A great awareness - I give thanks to Ray Dawn in Mt. Shasta.
Today, I am feeling more at peace - and excited more than passionate. I've combined my weekend stroll down memory lane with the invaluable information I received from trusted friends. I'm thinking in terms of "team," co-creation and the love of a challenge rather than "vigilante," battle and a never-ending and out-grown "job." I'm looking forward to changing the dialogue within - and without - while witnessing the birth of new creations.
From the Great State of Iowa...
Much love,
Monday, August 6, 2012
Structures of a More Truthful Nature
Monday, August 6, 2012
A week or so ago, I awoke with a brief but seemingly important “statement” on my mind. It had to do with creating “structures of a more truthful nature.” I could see where this applied to almost everything going on in the world today. We see the collapse of some structures and we sense the falling apart of others. Many times we do our “darnedest” to hold on to what we have as fear of the unknown is extremely powerful and paralyzing. When I step back - and “up” - to get a more “hilltop view,” it seems clear that we don’t really have a choice in the coming changes. This is the way the Universal Will is moving – and any argument or resistance only proves to bring suffering upon ourselves. The real question is what do we need to do in order to fall into alignment? Where is this Universal Will pushing us? This brings me back to “structures of a more truthful nature.”
The fact that old institutions and structures are collapsing doesn’t mean they’re “bad.” It just means we’ve outgrown them. They’re collapsing because they no longer have the support needed to maintain them. We are all updating our belief systems to something a little more “truthful” – which of course will happen continuously until we reach a new “plateau” for collective experimentation. This “plateau” (which continues to evolve as well) is “solidified” by our new collective beliefs, systems and structures which present a brand new opportunity for experience.
With this in mind, it seems important for each of us to consciously connect with our inner most desires as well as the “knowing” of where we’re going. What is it we really believe? What is it we really desire to experience? What are the beliefs and “structures” that will support what it’s time to build? Where is our faith needed but lacking? This takes some pondering, deep soul searching and disciplined awareness. It takes each of us “walking our talk” and summoning the courage to step differently than we have for the last 20 years (or more). It requires us to move beyond the fear of change and look forward in excitement and awe to that which we have the opportunity to create together.
For me, one of the structures we have outgrown is “hierarchy.” Hierarchy does not support independence, equality or the notion of unalienable rights. It seems to me, it may have some value in a “crisis” but in general it has become “outdated” – at least in its present form. What seems to be missing from “hierarchy” (and needed as we move forward) is respect and honor for the knowledge, experience, talents, “life-force” and spirit of a person. There doesn’t appear to be any acknowledgment of what a unique individual soul brings to an organization. Doesn’t that seem “stupid” on the part of an organization? I mean, shouldn’t this be common sense when we think about it? Just contemplate for a moment what might be created if an organization was fluid, trusting and honoring of these “resources?” Wow…..can you imagine?
So what are the “ingredients” necessary for us - and organizations - to move in this direction? Respect…honoring of the spirit and soul in ourselves and each other...a co-creative perspective where everyone has something to offer toward a solution…taking a “higher view” and releasing attachment to right and wrong when it comes to solutions…conscious participation….speaking our truth…following our intuition and “gut instincts”…taking responsibility for our voice, actions and decisions… How do these things feel? For me, these are “ingredients” to aligning my life and work experiences with the values which are important to me – independence, equality, life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Once we begin to think, see and act from this “lens,” we begin to create structures in our life and work that support life via this new perspective – we can’t help it. That’s how it works.
My point is that it’s imperative that each of us determine our real priorities and values – then step up the conscious courage to take action toward creating the reality around us that supports them. We are living in an ideal time for updating our beliefs, taking conscious action and creating “structures of a more truthful nature” that will support the new world as we desire to live it.
Food for thought….
Much love,
KtR (Karrie the Revolutionary!)
Friday, August 3, 2012
GoTI Moving Forward!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Amidst some cycling “snarkiness,” I am pondering the GoTI (Group of Tremendous Influence). The idea of forming another “party” isn’t appealing at this time. (Did you know there are over 50 registered political parties?) I seem to be more interested in a “philosophy” aligned with the principles mentioned in the previous post:
· Equal Rights
· Individual Freedom
· Independence
· Truth above tradition, party, religion or culture.
· Fiscal Responsibility, and
· Less Government.
One person who commented on the last post said, “Who could not support those ideals….we just need a party that will embrace them.” Wouldn’t that be nice?! It occurs to me that each of us may be registered as a particular party supporter but how many of us take the time to engage this party with what we really want? There obviously are people and organizations which do interact and lobby but it seems the rest of us sit back and vote for a party regardless of what their “planks” have become – and many times because we just plain refuse to vote for the other party. (I don’t like admitting it, but I have become one of these!)
There are a few initiatory ideas coming to mind that I hope they will evolve (with your input) as we get going.
1) Write, call, fax, e-mail, etc (social media?) those running for election with the principles you expect to be supported by the person you choose to vote for.
2) Write, call, fax those, e-mail, etc. (social media?) those running for office with questions such as: “Are you willing to vote for what you know to be right rather than following party line?” or “Are you willing to go beyond your party in order to truly listen and co-create solutions that really should be non-partisan?”
3) Begin to integrate the same principles we desire in a political party or representative into our own lives.
4) Begin to step above “party lines” – political or otherwise – in order to look for solutions aligned with the principles outlined above.
5) Be willing to consider candidates from either party who support these principles.
6) Tell candidates why you are voting for them – which things you support and which things you do not.
I know some of us have issues that carry a great more deal of weight than others. Some of us are educators….some of us have same-sex partners….some of us like our guns….some of us want healthcare for all….and some of us are opposed to some of these issues while supporting others. However, it doesn’t seem we are going to get anything different than what we have if we don’t change the characters we have to work with or start effectively communicating with them in order to align their focus with what we want. Therefore, it seems we have to start uncovering – one-by-one- those who align with the principles we truly desire. The party system just doesn’t work anymore. We need people personally dedicated to supporting the principles this nation was founded upon – issue by issue – beyond a party line.
Enough for today….your thoughts?
Much love,
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Forming a Group of Tremendous Influence!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Have you ever had a conversation with someone you know really well - like a family member or friend - that politically supports the opposing political party? I don’t know about you, but I can get incredibly “snarky” if I’m not on my best conscious behavior. “They” can’t stand Obama and I can’t stomach the Religious Right. “They” feel a vote for the Democrats is a vote for “communism or socialism” and I believe a vote for the Republicans is a vote against Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness as unalienable rights!
When I finally took notice of the intense political-party-polarization in this country (mainly because I became very aware of my own!), I became aware that co-creative solutions, Truth seeking and collaborative efforts of any kind were almost impossible. Many might be shocked by the numbers of people that are really getting to the hostile level which has them entrenching themselves even deeper into their party - leaving no hope for improvement. This is scary to me.
Because of this, I decided to do some research on the party I don’t like so much. I was encouraged to find a group within the party that supports “fiscal conservatism and social inclusion.” I also found a “conservative-liberal” counterpart. However, both of these groups have all but disappeared with the increasing polarization.
As I thought about this a little more, I began to question whether the “winning” party in any given election really knows why they received somebody’s vote? What if a person supports same-sex marriage but doesn’t support Obamacare? What if a voter supports fiscal responsibility and less government but believes in greater gun control? This led me to question a couple of people close to me who are adamant supporters of the opposing party.
What I found was that we actually wanted the same thing. We believe in the founding philosophy as stated in the Declaration of Independence – that we are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights – and we believe in fiscal responsibility and independence. This piqued my curiosity even further….what if the majority of us really believe in the same things but have gotten caught in the dynamics of this incredible polarization just because we don’t talk to each other? Are we willing to take a step back beyond a party, look within ourselves and courageously voice what we’re really for? I AM!!!
In this moment, I am proposing the idea of forming a “Group of Tremendous Influence” (GoTI) which supports and promotes the following:
· Equal Rights
· Individual Freedom
· Independence
· Truth above tradition, party, religion or culture.
· Fiscal Responsibility, and
· Less Government.
In essence, I am speaking about aligning with the Declaration of Independence. This requires courage, discipline, honor, integrity and a willingness to align with Truth at the highest levels of consciousness.
What do you sense? How does this feel? Are you interested? Let me know! I’m also interested in ideas for what we might call this GoTI. If you feel so inclined, leave a comment at the bottom of this post or contact me directly.
I AM Excited!
Much love,
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