I really do acknowledge there were many reasons Americans voted for President-elect Trump… It wasn’t just about hatred… I really do understand this… The status quo is no longer relevant to the vast majority of Americans… The Clintons represented a very large shadow in regard to the establishment… The Democrats cheated… they rigged the primary… I could see what was coming way back in June… We make our choices… and there is a time… when we’re going to “pay the piper”… Donald Trump’s statements, comments, tweets during the campaigning were incredibly outrageous to many… He, too, is, in many ways, paying the piper via protests and more… For me, the Republican Party is perhaps even more outrageous… If you haven’t done so… take a look at the 2016 Republican Platform – the party agenda for the next 4 years… If you want to understand the protests… the fear… the anger of many people… you will find many answers in this document. That’s not to say there aren’t some reasonable elements in it… but if you really want to understand what’s happening… then you will read this document through the eyes of another… and perhaps get a glimpse of the reason behind the protests…
For me, the expression of the pain… anger… fear… I felt, and expressed, after the election… was the release of the pain… anger… fear… I have buried for years… I make no apologies for that expression… It has cleared the way for my own empowerment… as I will no longer play “invisible” to any degree for those who find the expression of who I am… uncomfortable… As I stated before, I will stand at my boundary… I will march… I will put my life on the line when my soul demands – as so many patriots have done before me - because I truly believe in the essence of America… I always have…
Life and Liberty are the core essence of my belief system… They are my foundation… And, they are unalienable… they cannot be taken away… To be held hostage by the more narrow-minded beliefs of another (which they have the right to)… is something that might be allowed out of fear… but it is an illusion… These Rights cannot be taken away because, essentially, they are of the Creator… that’s what makes them unalienable.
This being said… I do not have the right to infringe upon another’s life… just as another does not have the right to infringe upon my life… This is a two-way call to action… First, I must stand at my boundary… empowered… safeguarding my right to my own life… I must be my own best representative… and second, I must do my best to not infringe upon another’s life… understanding that when I choose to step into another’s life, uninvited… there are consequences…
This most likely speaks to many – and on many levels – who, for instance, believe the government has far overstepped its bounds in many cases… I don’t disagree… What has come before us is a tangled, complicated, enormous ball of issues and challenges… that can no longer go unaddressed… There is much work ahead... many a heated discussion… and each is called to share their perspective and, just as importantly, listen… We can no longer afford to fight for an “either/or” society… We must find a way to make it a “both/and” if we are to have any hope of peace…
Finally, as far as an individual’s Rights to Life and Liberty are concerned, I really appreciated a comment from a Christian woman… who said, “We all have things we will be judged for. Those things are between us and God. He will judge each one according to His Word.”… She may or may not agree with my expression of life… but she leaves it between me and God. And as my mother – whom I cherish, respect and admire - said to a minister, who suggested that anyone friends with a gay or lesbian person will also go to hell… “I’ll take my chances with God.” Thanks, Mom… your inherent “goodness”… is a continued light, inspiration, and aspiration in my life…
Desiring the best for all of us… as we make our way through these challenging times… learning to be our own best representative… as well as learning to respect the Rights of another… sharing and listening… creating a new world that works for All of Us…
Much love,
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