Thursday, November 14, 2013

In the Hands of a Master Tailor

Thursday, November 14, 2013

For quite a while I have felt discomfort in the dreamtime.  Much of it stems from my teeter-totter confusion around an occupation.  Part of me attempts to fit myself into jobs I find on the internet, applying the skills I have accumulated in my lives as a teacher, union representative and consultant.  And part of me continues to hold out for something much different…something that calls to me from that which I still cannot see but makes my heart sing in its alignment with who I am today.  I haven’t been able to put words to this discomfort with such internal clarity until this morning.
When I can consciously recognize the battle within me, I’m usually able to find some resolution.  As Albert Einstein stated, “You can’t solve a problem at the same level which it was created.”  My “problems” seem to take root within my subconscious…and now that this one has been brought into the light of my consciousness…I know there’s an opportunity for relief!
Here we go….
There is an underlying sense for me to just “be” and not attempt to force myself into a “hole” or “identity”.  A few profoundly transformative questions just popped into my mind, “Can I just be me and allow the identity to take shape around me?   Can I allow a natural fitting as if at the hands of a master tailor?  Can I just breathe as me…releasing any constrictions…allowing my own expansion…and just comfortably “be” in this world?  (lately I’ve been feeling “crunched”…like I’m trying to make myself fit in something that’s much too small…the bed feels too small…my car feels too small…rooms feel too small…my world feels too small…)  Can I allow my natural size to “be”?  Can I allow myself to stretch, unfold, breathe deeply and allow the Universal Tailor to do its magic?  Can I allow this tailor to provide the perfect “fitting” according to my own authentic nature?”  Wow…..
In this moment, allowing this tailor to do its divine magic brings peace of mind, joy to my heart and excitement for that which is to be.  Can I just be me and allow the identity to take shape around me?   Yes, I can.  Wow….
Much love,

Saturday, November 9, 2013

An Arm-Saving Insight

Saturday, November 9, 2013

This morning as I was walking one of my babies, Devi, I was gifted an insight regarding trust.  Devi and I were walking through the neighborhood greenbelt (an area which many homes look over from the fenced back yards) and as we approached part of the walkway adjacent to the yard of one of her favorite doggie adversaries I found myself securing her retractable leash at about 2 feet.  As I did this, I heard myself say, “I don’t trust you”, meaning I didn’t trust the fact that she wouldn’t suddenly fly up the small hill toward her adversary and rip off my arm in the process!  However, when I heard myself say this, I felt something else…something I didn’t like.  It had to do with the fact that I didn’t trust her.  It didn’t feel right.  Within a matter of seconds, I heard myself counter with “But I do trust you to be you…which means it’s quite possible you may very well bound up the hill with my arm in tow!”  This little switch to, “But I do trust you to be you” made all the difference in the world.  I smiled and felt lighter because I could feel a more far reaching application than just the relationship between Devi and I. 

I also realized in that moment that this is how it is with the people around me as well.  I can absolutely trust them to be who they are.  I cannot trust them to be who I want them to be.  And why should they be who I want them to be?!  How selfish is that?  It is freeing to know that I can trust people…animals…Nature… insects…plants…etc…..I can trust them to be who they are.  How powerful is that?

Much love,


Thursday, November 7, 2013

An Overdose of Nun (None)!

Thursday, November 7, 2013
I haven’t felt called to blog for a while but this morning I had an insight about myself that I felt might be beneficial to share. 

A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to take a course from Carolyn Myss regarding archetypes.  According to Carolyn we each come into this life with certain archetypal energies (examples:  mother, father, queen, king, knight, pioneer, artist, monk, librarian, detective, etc.) which we use to transcend patterns and beliefs which are outdated and ready for transformation.  Carolyn has “created” a system through which one can identify these archetypes as well as work with them in order to release the weight of that which our consciousness has outgrown and move more fully into our own powerful authentic nature.  The knowledge of archetypes has proven to be incredibly useful for me in my own journey toward authenticity.

For the past several years, I would classify my path as one of intense purification.  I have removed myself from the world in many ways and experienced the loss or release of much of the material.  I have spent much time contemplating my beliefs around a lot of things including money.  In removing myself from a world that is focused on money, I have had the amazing experience of what it feels like to be without.  The panic, anxiousness, concern, guilt, worry and fear have been intense at times yet I would not change a thing.  The experience and acknowledgement of these feelings which I have feared for so long has been freeing, expansive and transcendental in many ways.  This being said, the new me is ready for new experiences.

I have wondered for quite some time why I haven’t attracted anything materially.  I felt like I was open and ready but almost anything I “put out there” has been responded to with silence.  This can be quite disturbing.  This morning, I realized that a core archetype of mine has been a major definer of the lens through which I am viewing and creating my world.  In fact, when I identified “her” it was like an enormous cork popped and huge amounts of light were freed and shining.  The archetype was none other than the monk/nun. 

I was finally able to “see” her influence.  She is dedicated to God and all decisions and experiences in many ways have been filtered through her lens.  In her loyalty to the Divine, she denies the material.  She sees the physical as “bad” and something to overcome.  She lives in “poverty” as she believes this is in alignment with her allegiance to God.  What she has to offer is free as she lives to serve the Divine and this should be done freely.  And for her, giving is everything while receiving is not acceptable.

This was a huge recognition for me.  The lens of the “nun” is really outdated when compared with where my consciousness is in this moment.  There is a huge religious conflict that has been begging for acknowledgement in order for me to update and move forward.   I have a great respect and honoring for this archetype of mine.  I feel her…I feel her dedication…and I understand.  And at the same time, my consciousness around God has greatly expanded.  For me, God/Consciousness is joy, excitement, experience, acceptance and all-inclusive.  There is no separation between spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, etc.  I am my dreams and my physical creations.  Life is sacred....and Life is an opportunity for Consciousness to experience form.  The physical is an important part of the experience.  Sacrifice and denial of the material are no longer requisite for my soul’s experience.  Allowing myself to receive is part of the joy and experience of life.  My service to God – as an expression of God – is to experience life to its fullest; to express myself into this world; to consciously create my experience; to share the beauty of Consciousness through my unique form; to receive and experience abundance of all kinds; and enjoy the material as it too is of God.  I can be dedicated without suffering, struggle and lack.  I can enjoy my opportunity in the form of “Karrie” - the form I have chosen for this life’s opportunity and experience. 

Whew!  This is a huge recognition for me and one that I will be contemplating further.  I can already sense the impact this realization is having on the path I am now creating.

OK!  I’m off to begin my visioning of something new….  Yahoo!

Much love,