Saturday, September 7, 2013

Syria as a Mirror

Saturday, September 7, 2013

As I contemplate the situation in Syria, I recognize that at the root of the challenge is freedom and co-existence.  Religious preference seems to be a very real “enemy” of life in the Middle East.  If one doesn’t attend to the same religion as those who have the power, one’s life is in jeopardy.  Without a true commitment to freedom – in which co-existence is inherent – there cannot be peace.  Freedom offers the opportunity for “everything” to express itself…even extremists and separatist groups.  The challenge arises when freedom is impinged upon by those attempting to make their belief system the “norm”.  This seems to be one of the more challenging issues in the Middle East – their religions don’t seem to allow for co-existence.

I also believe this is an issue that plays out here in the United States…home of the free…a country founded in religious freedom or freedom of conscience as Thomas Jefferson might say.  There are many who claim the United States as “Christian”, arrogantly demanding that all others “who don’t like it” can leave.  Quite frankly, I’m not sure how these “demands” are any different than any other separatist group with the “my way or the highway” mentality.  They air an ignorance not only regarding our nation’s foundation but in many ways God-Source-Consciousness itself. 

Personally, I am not “anti-“ any religion.  I am pro-freedom and believe that freedom is perhaps the highest of spiritual values.  However, freedom requires maturity, responsibility, wisdom and integrity.  It demands an inner knowledge of the right to exist as well as a certain courage and confidence to co-exist.

In many ways, we are no different than the people of Syria.  We have extremists who act in “the name of their God” killing doctors in abortion clinics, homosexuals or those of a different faith or ethnicity.  I grow particularly weary of the “let’s blame the Muslims” crowd or those who continue to cry out about Christian persecution while they themselves violently persecute others. 

If we are to grow into freedom – the freedom that is this nation’s founding as well as its destiny – then we have to stop, see from a more expanded perspective and deeply contemplate what freedom means….what it demands from us…and the part we play in making this vision even more of a reality.  Those who can, must make a conscious effort to hold a vision for freedom and role model freedom as well as share an understanding when appropriate with those who don’t remember.  People have the right to their beliefs….and this means everyone has the right to their beliefs.  And for freedom to become the norm…this means we have to learn to co-exist while simultaneously and consistently supporting the overarching umbrella of freedom.

In Love & Unity,


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