Monday, September 9, 2013

I've made a decision....

Monday, September 9, 2013

I’ve made a decision.  I’ve decided my vote is to not support a military strike in Syria.  For the last week or so, I’ve been at a crossroads – philosophically and consciously.  Thanks to all the conversations at home, on the internet and over the airwaves, I feel much clearer.  A big thank you to my friend, Ted Bynum, who expressed the importance for each of us to make a decision within ourselves.  This made an impression on me.  After all, if I expect the President and Congress to make such a decision, then I need to have the courage to make one as well.  This being said, I don’t feel it’s important to argue a position.  It just felt important to come to a conclusion.  If the powers that be make a different choice, so be it.  I will continue to hold space for Syria and its process…as well as the United States and the World as we experience our process. 
What is miraculous at this time is all the conversations that are happening.  The world is weighing in….debates, votes, decisions and contemplation by the masses.  This is the process of conscious decision-making as well as enlightened democracy.  Representatives are crossing party lines - which in itself is somewhat of a miracle.  People are speaking from their beliefs, hearts and consciousness rather than strict party rhetoric.  The metaphysical forces of holding space, keeping prayer vigil and allowing each his/her process is having an effect – a powerful one.  “Good things” are happening – we just have to see the forest with the trees. 
Another question that is being answered for me is, “can I hold a vibration of unity while making an individual decision?  Can I come from oneness while playing the part of a unique individual?”  I believe the answer is “yes”.  If I come from an understanding of freedom and the right of each to have their belief, detaching from the outcome (which I can’t control) without disengaging from the process, then I can hold the sacred position that exists between the opposites.  I can come from unity while solving any unanswered dilemmas within myself, allowing the best possible outcome in the moment to emerge.
So…. from a higher vantage point I feel good about what’s going on in the world.  This doesn’t mean everything is “hunky-dory” in the trenches but it does mean transformation is happening.  It’s important for each of us to remain engaged consciously and energetically…we each have an impact…and as a very good friend of mine reminds me constantly…1 + 1 + 1 = 1000. 

Much love,



Saturday, September 7, 2013

Syria as a Mirror

Saturday, September 7, 2013

As I contemplate the situation in Syria, I recognize that at the root of the challenge is freedom and co-existence.  Religious preference seems to be a very real “enemy” of life in the Middle East.  If one doesn’t attend to the same religion as those who have the power, one’s life is in jeopardy.  Without a true commitment to freedom – in which co-existence is inherent – there cannot be peace.  Freedom offers the opportunity for “everything” to express itself…even extremists and separatist groups.  The challenge arises when freedom is impinged upon by those attempting to make their belief system the “norm”.  This seems to be one of the more challenging issues in the Middle East – their religions don’t seem to allow for co-existence.

I also believe this is an issue that plays out here in the United States…home of the free…a country founded in religious freedom or freedom of conscience as Thomas Jefferson might say.  There are many who claim the United States as “Christian”, arrogantly demanding that all others “who don’t like it” can leave.  Quite frankly, I’m not sure how these “demands” are any different than any other separatist group with the “my way or the highway” mentality.  They air an ignorance not only regarding our nation’s foundation but in many ways God-Source-Consciousness itself. 

Personally, I am not “anti-“ any religion.  I am pro-freedom and believe that freedom is perhaps the highest of spiritual values.  However, freedom requires maturity, responsibility, wisdom and integrity.  It demands an inner knowledge of the right to exist as well as a certain courage and confidence to co-exist.

In many ways, we are no different than the people of Syria.  We have extremists who act in “the name of their God” killing doctors in abortion clinics, homosexuals or those of a different faith or ethnicity.  I grow particularly weary of the “let’s blame the Muslims” crowd or those who continue to cry out about Christian persecution while they themselves violently persecute others. 

If we are to grow into freedom – the freedom that is this nation’s founding as well as its destiny – then we have to stop, see from a more expanded perspective and deeply contemplate what freedom means….what it demands from us…and the part we play in making this vision even more of a reality.  Those who can, must make a conscious effort to hold a vision for freedom and role model freedom as well as share an understanding when appropriate with those who don’t remember.  People have the right to their beliefs….and this means everyone has the right to their beliefs.  And for freedom to become the norm…this means we have to learn to co-exist while simultaneously and consistently supporting the overarching umbrella of freedom.

In Love & Unity,


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Another Choice...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Another Choice…

This morning, I have been pondering Syria and the possible actions of the United States.  As I’ve said before, I find myself at a crossroads philosophically as well as in the evolution of my own consciousness.  For me, I don’t see how we cannot respond in some way.  What happens to one, happens to every – one.  We are all connected whether we’re aware or not.  And, if we agree that we really can’t ignore what’s happening in Syria (as well as other places, including our own “home”), then the next step becomes a question of how do we respond?

I’ve contemplated the consequences of continuing to meet violence with violence, coming to the conclusion that this only begets more of the same.  If we are to move beyond war then there comes a time when we have to begin the patterning of responding differently. 

For my own contemplation, I decided to break the situation down to a level to which I might be able to relate more realistically.  So, let’s liken this to a marriage where one partner is incredibly abusive and the other has succumbed to the “battered spouse syndrome”.  The battered spouse has become so disempowered that they don’t have the self-confidence/worth/power to stand up for themselves and/or remove themselves from the situation.  Anyone that has been on the outside of this type of situation knows that attempting to step in and handle it for the battered spouse, most of the time doesn’t work.  I once helped one such spouse move away from the abusive spouse on 4 separate occasions to find out a couple of weeks later (or less) that the abusive spouse had moved back in.  It wasn’t until the abused spouse made the commitment and found the appropriate support that she was able to make a different choice.  In this case, I probably would have been better off to energetically hold a “prayer vigil” of love and peace until the awareness of the two people expanded to include the idea that there was another possibility other than the one they were painfully playing out (which is what happened anyway).

So…back to Syria (and other such dilemmas at home and abroad).  Stepping in to militarily “whack” the abuser is only a short term reaction.  Somewhere along the line, if peace is to really occur, the sides involved are going to have to come to an acknowledgment of their freedom to co-exist.  Until that happens, the battle will continue with all its ugliness and atrocities.  However, what if the rest of the world surrounded Syria energetically (but physically would be awesome!) and held a vibration of Unity and the highest of light and love until they could rise to another level of consciousness?  Some might say this is a ridiculous notion…some would label it naïve….and others might recognize the ages old power of energetic collaboration with the Divine in the assistance of transformation. 

It’s apparent to me that the world is in a transition stage which eventually will lead to us making different choices.  The good news is…conversations are happening…decisions are no longer being made by one person…nations are thinking for themselves and not according to blind allegiance…military action as a first response is being called into question…and we’re beginning to think…differently.  We each have a decision to make when it comes to global events.  Whether or not we know it, what we think, feel and envision make a difference. 

As for me….I believe I have to respond….and I’m going to do so by staying energetically engaged…holding a space for Unity….Love…and peace as well as the consciousness of individual empowerment and responsibility in transforming our globally-felt experiences.  I hope you will join me.

In Unity and Love,


Monday, September 2, 2013

An Opportunity for the Miraculous

Monday, September 2, 2013

I’ve been pondering – as I’m sure many of you have – how to handle the situation in Syria.  For me personally, I’m at a crossroads philosophically.  Can we really go without responding to the atrocities in Syria?  It’s no longer about “staying out of the business of others”….these are fellow human beings…men, women, children ….fellow expressions of the sacred.  The essence of America…pulling together…coming from a place of Unity and Oneness…is not just about Americans…it’s about Humanity.  This being said, the horrendous “taking out” of hundreds of beings cannot be ignored.  On the other hand, we cannot continue responding to violence with violence if we truly desire to move beyond a world scarred by war. Though there is a part of me that would like to retaliate in kind…”take the SOB’s out”…I recognize this only begets more of the same.  I stand at a crossroads philosophically…and I am not alone.  Humanity stands there as well.    

I truly believe and sense in the core of my being , this is an opportunity for the miraculous.  How do we respond to the atrocities without meeting violence with more of the same?  Though we may not be able to see the answer immediately or outright, there is one.  First, we have to believe there is another way.  Second, we have to allow it to emerge, and third, we must decline from resorting to a destructive path of retaliation.  If we truly believe in a God-Source-Consciousness-Allah, then we have to trust that there are other answers than violence.  And if there isn’t, there isn’t…perhaps we haven’t reached this level of consciousness yet.  However, we have to begin sometime.  We have to have the courage sometime.  We have to take the first step sometime.  Why not start now?

I am going to hold the space for the miraculous to occur.  I have to allow the possibility for a 3rd choice…the choice that comes from the heart and soul….the answer that comes from a higher consciousness.  I feel the opportunity we have in this particular case….I sense the prayers coming from the world over for something new.  The energies of peace and love are available for cultivating a new pattern of response…we only need open to it…align with it….and allow it to unfold.

If you are one of those ready to take the step…I hope you will join me…and me, you….in holding a new vision and allowing a space for the miraculous.

Much love,
