Thursday, December 27, 2012

Something of a More Truthful Nature....

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Last night, my partner and I had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants.  It’s nothing fancy - just good food, good service and a pleasant ambiance.  However, it was noticeable – as it has been for several months – that the life force of the restaurant is dwindling.  The restaurant staff has been speaking about the loss of clientele for months which I think plays a tremendous part in its decline…you get what you focus on, right?  However, the dying of the establishment – just like anything else - could also be of “natural causes”.  When something or someone has lived its life, done what it needed to do, lost its passion or outgrown its usefulness….it dies, doesn’t it?  Sometimes we sense this and do what we can to “save it” but many times it’s just time to move forward and there really isn’t anything else to be done but let go. 

When I broaden this observation, I can see that the same applies to my beliefs, systems and structures.  Sometimes it’s time to update and expand my vision.  There are many paradigms whose time has come.  Upon noticing, the question becomes how quickly can I release my attachment to the old belief?  How fast can I connect with that which is becoming?  How rapidly can I immerse myself in the excitement of creating and establishing new paradigms – updated paradigms – paradigms of a more truthful nature?  Or will I resist and battle ferociously for my limitations and the limitations of others?

In many ways, I sense this is part of the issue politically right now.  Many are having difficulty releasing old paradigms while embracing that which is emerging.  We forget to step back and take the time to observe what’s happening.  For example, it seems to me that the old paradigm and vision of American as white, male, heterosexual, Christian, etc. is transforming….not as in extinction but as in moving over to allow for the equal inclusion of “All that Is” – a more truthful representation of the incredible diversity more truthfully encompassed in, American.  We are beginning to update our paradigm to one more in alignment with the unalienable truths our nation was founded upon.  If we see equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as the umbrella of the infinite – the One and Only – then perhaps it’s conceivable that every single possibility co-exists beneath it.  None is left out.  None is excluded.  Unalienable rights know no specific race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.  None is threatened.  Each has the right to exist and be.

This updating of American will also cause the upgrading and birthing of systems and structures more in alignment with this expanded “definition” as well as a more enlightened understanding of equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  For me, it’s exciting to contemplate these changes.  For some, it may be horrifically frightening.  Nevertheless, our alignment with “something of a more truthful nature” is upon us….the awe-some power and beauty of Creation is beckoning… 

Much love,


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