Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Acknowledging the pain….pain
for which there are no words…pain understood and felt at the core of our beings…ready
for release…we must acknowledge the pain….in order to be freed…
This morning I am feeling “the hug”…the experience shared
with a man I didn’t know…a man without a home…living on the streets…forced to
depend on the generosity of others for survival… separated from his lower right
leg…his mobility enabled by a wheelchair…minority in ethnicity…sacred life force in expression…
I still can feel the embrace we shared…the unseen connection
of sacred beings…a sudden knowing between us of the pain of circumstances,
abandonment, betrayal…the blow to the child within…”what did I do wrong?”…the
thirst for the touch of another…the desire for acknowledgment of our existence…the
pain of invisibility…the anguish of not being heard…the excruciating pain of forsakenness…the
unconscious cruelty between humans…the shock to the system…a system created in love…
It seems we must acknowledge the pain…the pain experienced…the
pain caused…we must weep together…embrace ourselves and each other in love and
acknowledgment…acknowledging the pain…acknowledging our existence as sacred beings…expressions of the One Life Force…
We must retrain ourselves to see the sacred…that which unites us…that which is our connection…we must
see the love of all loves staring at us from behind the eyes of each being…the
child…the homeless…the elderly…a colleague…a neighbor…a family member…the
one in the mirror…
We must call out the Sacred in ourselves and
each other….empowering our differences…the uniqueness of our gifts, talents and
genius…the power of our very essence…that which we are obligated to share with
the world…taking responsibility for our one and only seat in the orchestra of
This morning, I acknowledge the pain…the pain of my brothers
and sisters…the pain within myself…the experiences of abandonment, forsakenness,
cruelty, discrimination, lovelessness and injustice…I acknowledge the pain with
compassion, patience and love…and open myself to seeing and being seen…as the
sacred expression of the One I, and we, are here to be.
Much love,