Monday, September 17, 2012

Upgrading America - the Call for the Feminine

Monday, September 17, 2012
As some of you may know, my partner and I have a radio show on blog talk radio every Sunday night.  Last night the topic was: “Upgrading America – the Importance of Women in Politics.”  (We’ve decided to continue the topic next week due to the questions uncovered by the discussion.)  We began by looking at where we are now – polarization, division, anger, hatred, disappearance of the “center” and seemingly devoid of love.  Statistically, the Congress is made up of approximately 17% women though women constitute at least 51% of the citizenry.  In state legislatures, women make up about 23% of legislative groups.  There are 89 nations that surpass the United States in terms of women’s representation in government (including Rwanda, Uganda, South Africa and Cuba).  We also talked about the impact of the energetic shift accentuated by the 2012 phenomenon – the idea that we are moving from a more separation/polarized consciousness toward one of unity and balance.  When I think of just the energetic wave we’re experiencing, it only makes sense that for humanity to come into balance, the feminine must be on the rise.
When we talk about the feminine, we aren’t just speaking about women.  We’re talking about the feminine energy – unconditional love, nurturing, intuition, feeling and heart-based decision making.  Whether a man or a woman, we all have both masculine and feminine energies – so the rise of the feminine is the increase in each of us of the characteristics previously described.  For years, women have attempted to make their way into corporate, business and leadership positions – many times at the expense of the feminine.  Masculine energy is doingthinking…..the energy of action.  There is nothing wrong with masculine energy – we need the masculine.  However, we need the feminine as well.  It is the feminine that supplies the direction (heart-based, intuition, the energy of being).  Without it, we end up in a world without love….without the heart energy….ruled by the energy of thinking….unconnected to the All That Is…where competition, battles and wars (verbal, physical, etc.) dominate.
Last night, as we continued to discuss where we are currently as well as the direction we sense we’re headed, it became apparent why many women are feeling a call to pay attention politically.  I have chatted with women of all ages and political affiliations and each has stated the same thing, “I’m tired of the fighting and the inability to work together.  We need something different.”  Little did we know that it’s us that need to be different – and many of us are being moved to be different.  We’re being called (unconsciously and consciously) to take an interest, and speak and act from our hearts in the world around us.  This is what politics needs – in fact it’s what the world needs.
Through a discussion with a caller, it also became apparent that many of us are feeling the call but have no idea what to do.  The national level seems overwhelming….the state level not much better.  The fear of the enormity of these systems can be paralyzing.  However, it occurred to us in our conversation that all we need to do is bring the feminine into the places, organizations, schools, stores, etc. where we already are.  If I’m a teacher, bring the energy of the heart into my classroom and site.  If I’m a manager, listen to my heart when making decisions.  If I’m in the corporate world, bring heart-based, intuition-led decision making into my office.  If I’m in public office, begin listening to my heart, treating others with respect and leading by example.  There is so much that can be done right where we are, right now.  Lasting transformation happens from the inside-out or the bottom-up.  We only need to start with ourselves - right where we are.
Much love,
P.S.  Last night’s show can be heard at Search “konsciouskonnection” and click on the appropriate show. 
P.S.S. Please join us next week on Daring to Live Outloud!  7 p.m. Pacific

Sunday, September 16, 2012

In Search of Balance

Sunday, September 16, 2012
This morning I am contemplating balance and completeness.  What does it feel like to be in balance?  When I feel into “balance,” I get a vision/sensation of what I refer to as “the arm.”  When I hold one of my arms straight up into the air, there is a point when it comes into balance.  When the arm is in that position, I could hold it there “forever” without tiring.  It’s almost like gravity ceases to have an influence.  There’s no resistance; no heaviness.   My arm feels as “light as a feather.”  Whereas when I hold my arm out to the side or even a little off the “balanced” position, I feel the resistance and the weight of the arm.  For me, this clear, clean, “light as a feather” feeling is what it feels like when I am in balance.
Another concept I have been pondering as of late is the idea of completeness.  Somewhere within me is the recognition that each of us is complete.  Most of us don’t know this (including me).  For some reason, we believe we are incomplete… less than whole….deficient….imperfect.  It has occurred to me that perhaps I feel this way because of some of the feelings I have….guilt, anger, not good enough, etc…..which may present themselves many times because I’m unconsciously attempting to “fit in.”  What has also come to me is that perhaps I have some of these feelings because I’m not where I’m supposed to be – I’m not listening to what’s calling me.  Instead I put myself in positions where I believe I should be, where it would be impolite not to be.  Now…sometimes I have other issues that I need to address (rogue archetypes, for instance)…..AND SOMETIMES, I have put myself in a position that is not in alignment with what’s really calling me.  One of my realizations this morning is that when I put myself in a position that doesn’t feel good, I open myself to imbalance.  I don’t always have to know “why” something doesn’t feel good.  I just have to pay attention to the fact that it doesn’t.  In these instances, I need to ask myself, “What’s calling me?” and then take the appropriate action.  This simple little question seems to take away all the angst.  Why?  Because the Universe is always moving itself toward balance – all I have to do is listen.  (Warning:  I have found if I don’t take the appropriate action, I cause myself some un-needed “suffering.” Yuck and ouch!) 
I believe that each and every one of us has come into this existence “complete.”  We have everything we need to maintain a “balanced system.”  We are not deficient in any way, shape or form when it comes to our own unique, one-of-a-kind expression.  We really don’t need others to “fix” us - and we don’t need to “fix” others.  We are capable of rebalancing ourselves just by listening to what’s calling us.  
So….what I have “received” this morning is a deeper understanding of my own completeness.  I am whole – there is nothing “wrong” with me.  In my natural state, I am balanced and I have been given everything I need to maintain that balance – all I have to do is listen.  Whew….
Much love,

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Beyond "Sides"

Saturday, September 15, 2012
A few days ago, I was blessed with a sudden recognition that it was almost impossible to operate in the “3-D” reality without begin sucked into the polarization.  When I allow myself to consciously feel this energy, I realize that the make-up of the 3-D almost forces a person to “choose a side.”  The 3-D is accentuated by opposites….right/wrong; beautiful/ugly; hard/soft; good/bad; strong/weak; win/lose; etc., etc., etc.  (Not that this is bad….it’s just that we’re in the process of moving into something different.)  When we are immersed in the 3-D, we may not notice the feel of these opposites – it’s how things are and we’re used to it.  However, once we have experienced something different…the sensation of opposites and choosing sides can be very uncomfortable.
Yesterday, I briefly mentioned my (and others) belief about 2012 and the shift from separation to unity consciousness.  This morning, I realized that the reason the polarization and choosing sides has become so uncomfortable for many of us is that we have experienced something different.  (I sense this may be especially true for many women.)  Whether conscious of it or not, we know the feeling of balance…wholeness…unconditional love…and unity.  Perhaps part of each of us is already there and as we become more conscious, we move ever more fully into the comfort of this new (but always present) consciousness…
What does this new “reality” feel like?  It feels peaceful….loving…balanced…. whole… there is a sense of “oneness”….the bliss of creative expression…and whatever is, is… When I come into the 3-D from a place of “unity”, it feels like every time I have a thought or open my mouth, I’m choosing a side – and it’s irritating and uncomfortable.  With the realization that this discomfort is perhaps caused by the fact that I’ve experienced something different - granting me a conscious awareness of the 3-D polarization - I also recognize there may be another “choice.”  Perhaps I can choose to look through a different lens and embrace the perspective of “creating” rather than engaging in the polarization?  Creating is new…it’s expressing the love, beauty, divinity within me….it comes without judgment….it’s ever expanding….it’s continuous….and as long as I am coming from unity consciousness(wholeness, completeness and balance), it is harmonious and synergistic with the creativity of others.  As this type of consciousness, there are no sides…there is only One….as well as the recognition of the beauty of the One in the diversity of the many… [big sigh of relief, love and peace…(smile) ]…here, the irritation and the discomfort is gone….here, I feel home    
Here’s to Unity Consciousness!
Much love,

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Polarized Energy Bomb!

Friday, September 14, 2012
For a week or so, I have attempted to stay away (as much as possible) from political discussions as well as political news on television.  I don’t like the constant negativity or the feel of “polarized battle.”  Though I have dealt to some extent with the character within me that has always been ready to “unsheathe its sword” in any moment – I know enough not to spend too much time in what might be considered a “target rich” environment.  Though this inner archetype has been somewhat suppressed for much of my life, it has found its way to the surface in perfect “2012-no-shadows-can-remained-hidden” fashion.
I have thought much about the American political system.  Since the beginning, ours has been a 2-party system – and it has worked.  Simply put, a 2-party system allows for a true majority where a 3-party arrangement further splits the vote allowing a less than 50% majority.  However, a two-party system is prone to the divisive “us and them” mentality, and at its worst, intense polarization where the middle disappears, opposites battle it out and collaboration becomes impossible.  (Sound familiar?)
As I sat back and felt into the current state of affairs, it suddenly became clear that the incredible political polarization we are – and have been - experiencing has developed a life of its own – a life we are constantly feeding unbeknownst to us.  What?!  I began to observe that any conversation I entered around the current political election charged the “air” with more “polarized” energy.  It didn’t matter who I was speaking with or what “side of the fence” they sat.  I suddenly became acutely aware of the tremendous power (charged with anger and hatred) that has been generated – and not released – due to the current polarized state of affairs.  And every time I (we) enter a conversation (and carry any level of polarized energy within us) – this “energy bomb” builds in capacity.  It’s like being in a room that is constantly filling with highly combustible fuel or natural gas, not knowing that any little spark could ignite an explosion of fantastical proportions.  And this is the energy that is currently growing around us!  (Big-eyed W-O-W!)  Makes you think, doesn’t it?!  (Does the Middle East come to mind?)  The energy for large-scale transformation is increasing every moment - and it occurs to me that I need to wake up and consciously hold a different space!
In my current belief system, December 2012 marks a time when the consciousness of humanity begins to tilt from separation (polarization) toward unity.  I can only assume that this birthing process can be experienced less “painfully” if the “energy bombs” can be lessened in intensity by each of us bringing home our own balance and welcoming our own consciousness.  As I wake up to the situation – and amazing times of which we are a part - I desire to consciously hold a more balanced sense of energy.  I desire to stay in my center and practice unconditional love (non-judgment) with myself and all others.  After all, we are all in this together…. We are all members of the same team… The structures around us reflect the structures within us….this includes politics and government.  The battle without IS the battle within – and that makes things a lot less overwhelming and a lot easier to handle.  We can do it!  Yes we can.
Much love,